I’ve been breaking toes, Jamie’s been working nonstop, Jon’s been Jon. But we still labored on, because we love you so much. Wait, what? You missed out on our hard work?? Fine. Whatever. Here you go suckas, the KR week in review. [Image via] Monday: Greg Fine sets the mood with a warm tone. Dirty… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
Tag: Week in Review
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
Quite possibly the only time I’ll ever say this (…with sincerity): I hope you weren’t reading Knox Road this week. It’s been too nice outside, and I wouldn’t blame you – I’d actually think something’s wrong with you. Unless you’re one of our Antarctic readers. (In that case, I don’t mean to make you jealous… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
While we continued on with our posting, we mourned for you, John Hughes. Ferris Bueller (not pictured above) and your other well thought out, inspiring characters will never be forgotten. So if readers were feeling nostalgic, watching old films and not caught up in the here and now (totally understandable), here’s what was missed this… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
Having a few brews with Obama, were we?? We meaning you. Meaning that cop and professor. Meaning nobody really had beer with the President. Except them. Well whoever it was, they certainly weren’t reading Knox Road at the time. This one’s for you! Monday: Arran Arctic oozes passion. Not as gross as it sounds. Patton… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
This was a VERY busy week for us. So I guess if you don’t like to read I’d understand if you missed it. But that’s one sorry excuse. A better one would be “Ugh, I couldn’t get to all of Knox Road this week because I printed and analyzed every post to get the most… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
I know you were getting seizures from those Dead Weather ads on basically every music site and took a little break from the computer. Totally acceptable, so don’t you worry – we got what you missed this week on Knox Road. Monday: Muse release The Resistance tracklist. Maybe they shouldn’t have though – Jon gets… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
If you’re an American, I know you were getting pumped for the 4th of July Alvin and the Chipmunks 2: The Squeakuel all week. If you’re not an American, what good are you?? Seriously, move here. We’re hip! Well, here’s what you stupid non-American scum missed this week on Knox Road. Monday: The Scarlet Ending… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In case you were busy diggin’ on the new Grizzly Bear, Phoenix, and countless others, and maybe probably definitely standing in lines at 5 am to grab your tickets to After Last Season, here’s what you missed this week on Knox Road. Monday: Susan Boyle returns and Brits love cats. Just, like, in general. Lee… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
Because you were enjoying a tan at Cannes with your bottle of Santana DVX (the stuff is really expensive actually) you probably missed what happened over here on Knox Road. It’s ok! I ain’t mad at ya! Just let me tell you allll about it. [Note: Above picture is not from Cannes, but it should… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In case you were crying over Jon & Kate’s declaration, “We Might Split Up,” here’s what you missed this week on Knox Road. Monday: What are the cool kids listening to nowadays? BriTunes…er, Brian Williams. And interviews with artists like Deer Tick. Free debut album from Boston’s The Hush Now. Breaks down what we expect… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review