One of the busiest weeks ever on Knox Road. Also in the media (though, Conan v. Leno has been discussed to death, including last week’s Week in Review). Hey, the Golden Globes and SAGS were this week! And Avatar won a lot. But so did Up! And I’m going to keep rambling if I don’t… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
Tag: Week in Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
Spent the week love/hating NBC?* I mean, how can a network be so obnoxious (Conan/Leno/etc.) and yet bring you SO many great things (30 Rock/Community/etc.)? I think I speak for everyone in the world when I say “I’m confused about this, NBC!” So rather than let that confusion rule your life, shake it off with… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
Some weeks are busy weeks, I’ll give you that. I mean, one of you might have missed a post or two this week because you were too preoccupied counting your piles of money after becoming the director of the two highest grossing movies of all time. So I’ll give James Cameron a pass. But you… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
We get it; you were preparing for New Year’s Eve and all that jazz. This is probably one of the only acceptable times to miss out on Knox Road. Still drunk? Still waiting for reveling over that New Year’s Kiss?? Do it with our Week In Review! [photo by Jonathan Storey] Monday: [MP3] Hands: “Windows”… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
Should I think outside the box and say hey, maybe you missed Knox Road this week because of something other than the holidays? Like watching all the TV shows you’ve missed or want to catch up on?? (Includes me and definitely Frank from Chromewaves – read his tweets about Lost.) Eh, holidays are most likely… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
OH what a week, you guys! Snow fell like crazy over here in the east, people are STILL talking about Tiger Woods whatshisname and ZOMG Avatar is out and it might actually be really good! Basically, this week is for blowing minds and I can tell you, mine is on the CEILING. Monday: [MP3] Papercuts:… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In case you were crying over Glee‘s departure until April and couldn’t see the computer screen (much less your friends) through your tears, here’s what went down this week on Knox Road. Monday: Notable Album Release: The Go Find – Everybody Knows It’s Gonna Happen, Only Not Tonight Knox Road’s Top Albums of 2009 Tuesday:… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
Don’t worry guys, our week in review is not just a review of today! Because then it’d be a week in review of Week In Review. And that’s just weird. Point being, we missed the boat yesterday working on our albums of the year list (to be published shortly). For your patience, enjoy the Muppets… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
This week wasn’t heavy on posting, because we knew the Thanksgiving food would be heavy enough for the U.S. folk among us. So you should have been able to get through a week of Knox Road, but we all mess up every once in a while (us KR guys actually mess up a lot, but… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
For those of you who were expecting a radio show today, we apologize – UMD sports took over during our normal showtime (Aw, don’t cry! Just today, don’t you worry! Actually…next week too…we’ll be off for Thanksgiving.) So as you get a nice little break from our voices, this gives you a great chance to… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review