Just in time to celebrate America is Britain’s own rag-to-riches superstar Susan Boyle. After her ridiculously popular international debut, she returned to Britain’s Got Talent for the semi-final round. Because this show is some kind of competition. Who knew. She sings a song from Cats, because apparently Cats is HUGE in Britain. Why? Brits love… Continue reading Susan Boyle’s triumphant return
Tag: Video
Grizzly Bear’s video for “Two Weeks” is creepy…
The Best Song of 2009, “Two Weeks” by the unstoppable Grizzly Bear, finally got the video treatment and it’s really creepy… š I’m going to pretend this didn’t happen… Why is there light shooting out of their mouths? What’s with the sparks and fire? WHY DOES THAT ONE GUY BLINK SO STRANGELY?? I’m sure there’s… Continue reading Grizzly Bear’s video for “Two Weeks” is creepy…
The Lonely Island do “I’m On A Boat” live on Jimmy Fallon
The dudes from The Lonely Island brought their cool kid/frat boy jam, “I’m On A Boat,” to Jimmy Fallon last night. Could this lead to some sort of tour in the future? Maybe! But that tour would go places like The DAR Constitution Hall and the Tweeter Center in Camden, NJ (just the worst ever)… Continue reading The Lonely Island do “I’m On A Boat” live on Jimmy Fallon
New British Sea Power: “Come Wander With Me” [MP3]
British Sea Power revealed the first look at their new album today with “Come Wander With Me.” Oh, btw, by “album” I actually mean a soundtrack to a 1934 documentary about an Irish fishing community calledĀ Man of Aran.Ā Sure, ok. The song is actually really cool and creepy, yet uplifting? Yet kind of really sad at… Continue reading New British Sea Power: “Come Wander With Me” [MP3]
Annie Lennox is officially crazy. Crazier??
Annie Lennox, of The Eurythmics, made a video promoting her show in Hong Kong. In rainbow pajamas. With Mickey Mouse ears. As some sort of fake newscast. Because that’s what crazy people do. Or people that don’t understand what crazy is and are easily talked into doing them. I’m SO hoping the latter. Bonus MP3!!Ā … Continue reading Annie Lennox is officially crazy. Crazier??
More absurd, useful inventions: The Drop Stop
The Drop Stop is my new favorite invention I will never buy. It stops you from dropping things into that little crevice between your car seat and that middle section. Everybody should go out and buy this now because what else would you spend your unemployment checks on? Crippling bill payments? Pssh! It’s The Drop… Continue reading More absurd, useful inventions: The Drop Stop
The super lame 2009 Webby Awards
The nominees for the 2009 Webby Awards are out, you guys! And they’re SO mostly irrelevant. They don’t have a music blog category (lame) but I’m sure KR would have topped that list (lie)! Their music website award is between 8tracks (guh?), Moshcam (actually kind of cool), Nonesuch Records (record label?), NPR Music (umm NPR)… Continue reading The super lame 2009 Webby Awards
Finally, the mainstream press gets “teabagging”
This is pretty much the best. MSNBC knows what “teabagging” means, and they’re just taking the double-entendre for a ride. Watch til’ the end because you just have to. “If you are planning simultaneous teabagging all around the country, you’re going to need a Dick Army.” Quote of the year. [via Videogum]
Ukranian polka band covers Katy Perry! Wait, what?
I don’t care WHAT you think about Katy Perry, these Ukranian guys are the best. Gold medals for all of them. “Eins, zwei drei!!”
“Oooo I’m gonna GOOGLE you” is the new British insult
So a British guy tailed a Google Street View car for like 3 minutes and just plain harassed it. Don’t watch the whole thing, it’s just not necessary.Ā “You are gonna get GOOGLED!” So what is he going to do? Go online and type into Google: “Google Street View car mother?” I don’t get his… Continue reading “Oooo I’m gonna GOOGLE you” is the new British insult