Knowing the Orphan spoiler is more fun than seeing the actual movie

I guess movie studios really like horror movie twists? Like maybe they saw The Sixth Sense and were all “That’s the ONLY way to do it now.” So now we have Orphan and the tagline is basically “This movie has a CRAZY twist.” But the twist happens to be SO crazy that people online are… Continue reading Knowing the Orphan spoiler is more fun than seeing the actual movie


Death Cab. Fireworks. L.A. Philharmonic. This is nothing short of celestial. [youtube width=”560″ height=”344″][/youtube] [Big ups to Heather at Fuel/Friends]

The Dead Weather to premiere short film; music fans to shrug indifferently

If you didn’t know already, The Dead Weather has a “short film” coming out for their song “Treat Me Like Your Mother.” According to the email we received, it will be “groundbreaking,” “uncensored,” and “on Cinemax.” Frankly, I’m surprised that Cinemax would stoop so low as to possibly show nudity. Tsk tsk. Anyway, they’ve released… Continue reading The Dead Weather to premiere short film; music fans to shrug indifferently

Dirty Projectors go into the woods for “Stillness is the Move”

Have you ever wanted to see Dave Longstreth inexplicably rotate while playing guitar? Have you ever wanted to pet a llama at the top of a cliff? Have you ever wanted to see the girls of Dirty Projectors dressed kinda like druids with parachute pants? Have you ever wanted HOLY SHIT IS THAT A WOLF?… Continue reading Dirty Projectors go into the woods for “Stillness is the Move”

The new Animal Collective video hurts my mind with metaphor

Does it represent birth? Death? The fleeting moments in life we all share and should appreciate better? Ummm… like, maybe how we should… help the environment or something?? I really don’t understand, but a video like this is pretty much expected from Baltimore oddballs Animal Collective. Sorry guys, you may have made The Best Album of… Continue reading The new Animal Collective video hurts my mind with metaphor

Adorable Youtube Animals: Sonya the Slow Loris is back for more!

Sonya, everybody’s favorite (and probably first) slow loris, who AWWWWd everybody to death with the debut video of her being tickled and continued the cuteness parade with footage of her eating live worms (horrifyingly adorable!) is back! This time, it’s a day in the life of a slow loris. Hooray! She lives a pretty charmed… Continue reading Adorable Youtube Animals: Sonya the Slow Loris is back for more!

Cool Things: The Lil’ Jon/Banana Phone Mashup

For those of you too young or with too deprived of a childhood, Raffi was this awesome guy back in the day who made silly kids’ songs about belugas, watermelons and banana phones. Why is this important in the far future of 2009? Because some idiot genius decided to mash up his song with Lil’… Continue reading Cool Things: The Lil’ Jon/Banana Phone Mashup