“Slumdog Millionaire” Trailer Music: Sigur Ros

So I’ve gotten numerous requests for “that song (not The Ting Tings’ “Great DJ”) that plays in the background of the Slumdog Millionaire trailer.” For those who don’t know, the song (which kicks in at about 1:10 in the trailer) is Sigur Ros‘ “Hoppipolla” from the album Takk. Mp3 below, along with a We Are… Continue reading “Slumdog Millionaire” Trailer Music: Sigur Ros

12 Days of Christmas Music: Odds and Ends

It’s Christmas Eve, making this day 11 of the series. Before tomorrow’s big reveal of the greatest Christmas album of all time, here are some of the random bits of Christmas I came across this month. The Best Christmas Music Video Ever Ali Lohan, Lindsay’s 15-year-old younger sister, decided to make a song called “Christmas… Continue reading 12 Days of Christmas Music: Odds and Ends

Unkle (feat. Thom Yorke): Music Video

Yeah, this video’s been out for a while and several of you may have seen it, but I continue to be amazed. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqkawrslzJA] Edit: Video cannot be embedded. But I encourage you all to double click the video itself and you will be redirected to watch it on YouTube. MP3: Unkle (feat. Thom Yorke) –… Continue reading Unkle (feat. Thom Yorke): Music Video

Conor Oberst Live Concert Video

We were courteously informed by our friends over at Amoeba Music that Conor Oberst (of Bright Eyes fame) and the Mystic Valley Band played live at Amoeba Records in Hollywood this past August. Fans have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the video online, and now it is finally up! For those of you who… Continue reading Conor Oberst Live Concert Video

Cheetah Lady

Lets just take a couple minutes out of our day to appreciate Cheetah Lady, shall we? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drI4BRMpaJM] That’s right, she wants a home where she can eat tacos and drink wine. Nothing like those things she already appears to have in those plastic bushes. Just keep in mind she took time to buy that outfit… Continue reading Cheetah Lady

12 Days of Christmas Music: Weird Collaborations

Day 5 of our Christmas music series goes to those bizarre collaborations that have happened this year. Seriously, I want to see the meeting where these people get together and say “You know what would be swell? Us making a Christmas song together!” “A Christmas Duel” The first track I came across was the duet… Continue reading 12 Days of Christmas Music: Weird Collaborations

12 Days of Christmas Music: “Christmas on Mars”

The Flaming Lips have been known to be a lot of things. Weird, confusing and insane are just a few. However, they’re also genius and I love them. Lead singer Wayne Coyne first started the ambitious movie/album project “Christmas on Mars” a few years ago, and everybody went crazy with anticipation. After finally being released… Continue reading 12 Days of Christmas Music: “Christmas on Mars”

Video Flashback: “Dog Police”

We here at Knox Road generally like to focus on the latest new music. However, every now and then something will resurface from the past that can’t go by unmentioned. Today, that something is the video for “Dog Police.” Apparently it might be by a band also called Dog Police?? The whole thing plays off… Continue reading Video Flashback: “Dog Police”

The Lonely Island’s “Incredibad” LP

Our favorite “dudes” of Channel 101 and now Saturday Night Live fame, The Lonely Island, are set to FINALLY release a CD, Incredibad. If you’ve followed these guys from back when they made a bunch of music, your iTunes will already contain a band called “Incredibad,” but it looks unlikely that some of yours and… Continue reading The Lonely Island’s “Incredibad” LP