The answer is yes, something is missing. That something happens to be the hip-hop side of WHY? It’s the most noticeable difference in the band’s sound upon first listen to its newest, Eskimo Snow, and at first it’s kind of off-putting. As great as past songs like “Fatalist Palmistry” and “Gemini (Birthday Song)” are, you… Continue reading WHY? delights with Eskimo Snow, but is something missing?
Tag: this blackest purse
[MP3] WHY? – “This Blackest Purse”
Yes, yes, yes. WHY? has released the first MP3 from its upcoming Eskimo Snow, due out September 22, which makes it the band’s second release in as many years. It’s as not-rap as any song the band has put out thus far, and I don’t really mind because this track is great. It’s pretty much… Continue reading [MP3] WHY? – “This Blackest Purse”