[Hype Hype Hooray] A Snap Judgment of Modern Music

Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. Previously, on Hype Hype Hooray: “I have… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] A Snap Judgment of Modern Music

Hot Chip and The xx announce tour dates

Don’t get too excited, there isn’t a whole tour lined up or anything, but electronic dance heroes Hot Chip are teaming up with indie newcomers The xx for four shows across the U.S. and one in Canada. While not an immediately obvious pair, the two should make for an interesting show. Dark brooding minimalism in… Continue reading Hot Chip and The xx announce tour dates