iTunes Mixery

For those who donā€™t know, this is the eleventh iTunes Mixery. Hereā€™s how it goes: I play iTunes on shuffle -> tell you which song comes up -> provide the mp3 and a tidbit -> continue until five songs and embarrassment are complete. Again, nothingā€™s off-limits ā€“ I donā€™t ā€œfix the mixā€. Have a look… Continue reading iTunes Mixery

The Mountain Goats’ downtempo “The Life of the World to Come” is haunting and lovely

The Life of the World to Come is as much a book of tales as it is music. We already are well-aware of John Darnielle’s deft and stimulating storytelling ability, but he takes “story” to a new level on The Mountain Goats‘ latest. With biblical references for song titles, The Life of the World to… Continue reading The Mountain Goats’ downtempo “The Life of the World to Come” is haunting and lovely

Pinkberry vs. Red Mango. Band vs. Band. Which would you rather?

This is intended as a fun post, something a little different around here which stemmed from my thoughts yesterday as I passed yet another Pinkberry and knew to look across the street to find a Red Mango. For those unfamiliar with the terminology here, Pinkberry and Red Mango are both frozen yogurt places – as… Continue reading Pinkberry vs. Red Mango. Band vs. Band. Which would you rather?