I don’t know how I missed this one, but it’s special. Just so special. Kevin Barnes was messing around on a piano backstage before a show at Brown University, and started playing The Beatles’ “A Day In The Life.” What ensued was a new song that’s pretty much totally not the same at all. Barnes… Continue reading Of Montreal covers The Beatles… kind of
Tag: The beatles
I’m too busy doing taxes to write a proper post
I don’t get taxes. Why we have them or how to do them or why if my address is in Pennsylvania I send my forms to Missouri (seriously, wtf). So because I’m pretty much FML right now (SO trendy to say), I’m going to post this cop out post that has songs involving taxes and… Continue reading I’m too busy doing taxes to write a proper post
Artist sets banned records on fire and plays them. For art, duh.
ArtistĀ Brian Joseph DavisĀ took 10 records that were once banned and set them on fire. He then played them and recorded the mess that obviously ensued. It’s actually really cool. And artsy. Definitely artsy. Check out the website for the recordings or listen to a couple below. Brian Joseph Davis ā “The Beatles” [MP3] Brian Joseph… Continue reading Artist sets banned records on fire and plays them. For art, duh.