
As a rule, never take your eye off Texas. There’s always something happening there and typically it’s worth your attention. If I remember correctly Sundress were covered in buzz after their SXSW performance earlier this year. After listening to “Derelict,” it seems the hype is well deserved. Hailing from Denton, TX, Sundress weave a ’90s… Continue reading Sundress

MP3s of some SXSW artists, season finale (part five)

I apologize for how long it has taken to get to this last installment for SXSW, but I hope you’ve found solace in all the other posts we’ve been able to put out lately! Busy times for us here at Knox Road, that’s for sure. Anyway, as promised, here are the final highlights and mp3s… Continue reading MP3s of some SXSW artists, season finale (part five)

The Calm Blue Sea: Trying to be Explosions In The Sky?

Now, I don’t think this is a bad thing for audiences, because they actually pull it off fairly well (SO, let me preface all this by saying I like The Calm Blue Sea’s music. A lot). But come on: the music sounds identical in that experimental way and even their name must be related. Let’s… Continue reading The Calm Blue Sea: Trying to be Explosions In The Sky?