Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. Portland music writer Robert Ham wasn’t happy… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] Pandora v. Music or How Artists Can Beat The Industry
Tag: Spotify
[Hype Hype Hooray] The Addict is Back
Note: About a year ago I wrote a column highlighting my addiction to procuring and listening to new music. After my external hard drive crashed, I reevaluated my life and took a much-needed sabbatical. But after recently giving in to Spotify, I have felt the monster of addiction return, like a cold, dark moon creeping over… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] The Addict is Back
[Hype Hype Hooray] Spotify, You Beautiful Wench
Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. I was somewhere in the woods of… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] Spotify, You Beautiful Wench