
Nope, I’m not getting all biblical on you. Yes, this band has been around for ten years and I’m just now hearing about them. Nope, those two things have nothing to do with each other. Yes, there is definitely something wrong with me. Especially having not heard of Jonah before (…among other things, of course).… Continue reading Jonah


Ladycop is a Brooklyn band who’s been around for a few years, but with the release of their latest album, Waves, they’re ready to strike it big. Waves, released in September, is full of swooning indie rock with pulsating guitar and generous synth. Tracks alternate from hushed acoustic beauties to spacey, echo-filled segments to slow-building cathartic anthems.… Continue reading Ladycop

Evan P. Donohue

Evan P. Donohue is a budding multi-instrumentalist based out of Nashville, making a name for himself with eccentric rock and a dash of retro. Donohue’s low, powerful voice blossoms against a breezy backing. Playful harmonies work their way into several lively songs. I’m not even sure what the best context is to listen to this… Continue reading Evan P. Donohue


Pleasant, drifting, warm. Bands like Seas keep me going on wintry days like today. The snow is falling but my body temperature is rising (and I reaaalllly don’t mean that in the sexual way, so let’s keep those jokes to a minimum, yeah?). Seas (aka Ben Green, out of D.C.) just released Now My Home… Continue reading Seas

Nightly News and what the “cool kids” are listening to these days.

In order to do this, you need a tv anchor that wants to be hip. I am not just talking about “we don’t fucking torture!” hip, I am talking about the type of hip that allows you to talk to Deer Tick. Brian Williams is launching an online series of interviews with musicians. I have… Continue reading Nightly News and what the “cool kids” are listening to these days.

Closure in Moscow!

Well now that I have gotten that off my chest (scroll down), time for an Australian band! If you are like me and just eat up the onslaught of new “Prog” bands that come out on Equal Vision Records, you ought to check out Closure In Moscow. They are releasing their album “First Temple” tomorrow.… Continue reading Closure in Moscow!

Rare Alvin Band songs [mp3]

Thank the Alvin Band for bringing us the type of “Hyphy-Turntablism-Ghettotech” that we need in order to survive and thank The Wombat for letting me in on these rare tracks by the Alvin Band. Alvin Band – “Glowing Tree” [MP3] Alvin Band – “Mystery Alladin” [MP3]