[Hype Hype Hooray] John Cusak Record Guilt or Why We Should Buy Vinyl, I Guess

Every [two weeks?] Jamie Hale takes a long, hard look at the music industry and the blog scene that feeds it. Here, he releases those findings and makes snarky, sarcastic remarks. Admittedly, both Jamie and Knox Road are a part of this scene. So sue us. All this talk about Record Store Day has really… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] John Cusak Record Guilt or Why We Should Buy Vinyl, I Guess

[Abby’s Road] Shopgirl Evolution

Once upon a time I worked in a record shop. It was way back in the day when cassettes (and cassinglesā€¦heeehee!) were purchased with as much fervor as the compact disc. To compensate the gigantic wage that a retail shopgirl could pocket in the early-nineties, I worked at an indie bookstore as well. Working at… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Shopgirl Evolution

[Abby’s Road] Collections live on, and that’s okay

Iā€™m truly disappointed. Neā€™er did a sentence scar as deep as that one. I can still hear the words coming out my fatherā€™s mouth when I did something particularly stupid as a teenager. Disappointment: one of the miseries of life. Be it a result of the loss of a favorite t-shirt or when the surprise… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Collections live on, and that’s okay