Phenomenal Video Saturday: The National. On Letterman. Thursday.

Being the news-craving, mile-a-minute journalist I am, I just need to be on the cutting edge of everything going on in the world. So I know that there’s, like, an oil spill or whatever, and a bomb in Times Square, or something, and OMGZ THE NATIONAL ON LETTERMAN! I don’t know about you guys, but… Continue reading Phenomenal Video Saturday: The National. On Letterman. Thursday.

Phenomenal Video Saturday: The Mountain Goats

For this week’s Phenomenal Video Saturday I scoured the depths of YouTube (read: I remembered seeing this video a few months back. Don’t tell anyone) and came across this particularly invigorating clip of The Mountain Goats tearing through the angry “No Children.” I’ve personally never seen John Darnielle and co. live, but after watching this… Continue reading Phenomenal Video Saturday: The Mountain Goats

Phenomenal Video Saturday: mewithoutYou

Now, I’ve posted about mewithoutYou once so very long ago, so I guess now it all comes full circle or something, because almost an entire year later I’m posting an awesome live video from that SAME BAND! It’s so crazy, right? This is an in-store performance of the song “O, Porcupine” from the band’s 2006… Continue reading Phenomenal Video Saturday: mewithoutYou

Phenomenal Video Saturday: It’s Ludovico Einaudi time

Ludovico Einaudi is a modern Italian composer and pianist whose compositions focus on piano, strings, and the odd assortment of occasional electronic flourishes and even (very occasional) guitars. I’m struck listening to some of his stuff, because for all of the modern composers (like my best friend Olafur Arnalds) that get a lot of ink… Continue reading Phenomenal Video Saturday: It’s Ludovico Einaudi time

Phenomenal Video Saturday: eaststrikewest

This week’s PVS is going to be a bit different than past iterations. DON’T FREAK OUT! It’s not that much different, promise. It’s, like, instead of a live video, it’s a produced music video. But it’s a pretty cool video, I think, that goes well with the song. The song in question is “Stumble” from… Continue reading Phenomenal Video Saturday: eaststrikewest

Phenomenal Video Saturday: The Antlers

We’re back with a good ol’ The Antlers track, because who doesn’t love The Antlers? The answer is no one doesn’t love The Antlers. The Antlers. This is a performance of “Kettering,” from Hospice, on Spinner Interface. It’s just amazing to watch Peter Silberman and listen to how he jumps up and down with that… Continue reading Phenomenal Video Saturday: The Antlers

Phenomenal Video Saturday: Glen Hansard

I’ve really enjoyed Glen Hansard, The Swell Season, and all related byproducts after seeing the movie Once a few years ago. It’s the kind of movie that complements its strikingly small budget with a strikingly small, realistic story. So the massiveness of some of the songs — which almost always comes courtesy of a tearing-his-heart-out… Continue reading Phenomenal Video Saturday: Glen Hansard

Phenomenal Video Saturday: Wakey!Wakey! does Yeasayer

This week’s PVS was recommended to me by the incomparable Lee Levin (the one who writes for the site. THIS SITE!). It’s a very well-shot* video of KR favorites Wakey!Wakey! piling into a Brooklyn loft and covering Yeasayer’s “Ambling Alp.” The coolest thing about the video, besides the violin part that pretty much ties the… Continue reading Phenomenal Video Saturday: Wakey!Wakey! does Yeasayer

Phenomenal Video Saturday: Bon Iver does Okkervil River*

Don’t you just love when this happens? Back in, like, the dinosaur times (2008), Okkervil River released The Stand-Ins, and as a companion piece of sorts, had other bands cover the album’s songs. So they got Zykos for “On Tour with Zykos” and Ola Podrida for “Calling and Not Calling my Ex,” among others. Will… Continue reading Phenomenal Video Saturday: Bon Iver does Okkervil River*

Phenomenal Video Saturday: Yeah, it’s video game music

Not only video game music, mind you, but Final Fantasy music. This song is called “To Zanarkand,” and it opens up Final Fantasy X. Before you laugh condescendingly and leave, give it a listen. Ever since I first played the game (and, by extension, heard the song) about 9 or so years ago, “To Zanarkand”… Continue reading Phenomenal Video Saturday: Yeah, it’s video game music