Pill Wonder get retro for “Wishing Whale” video

Seattle band Pill Wonder has been making some wonderful music on wonderful label Underwater Peoples, and now they’ve made a wonderful video for song “Wishing Whale.” They basically took a bunch of retro 60/70s video clips and spliced them together with that mirror effect people are liking these days. The song will be on their… Continue reading Pill Wonder get retro for “Wishing Whale” video

Massive Attack reveal a terrifyingly chrome future in “Splitting The Atom” video

If you thought the future was gonna be all under water, you were clearly very wrong. If you also thought it was going to be all safe and pleasant, you were also very wrong. Massive Attack shows us what I’m going to assume is our own future (because it’s more fun that way, ok?) in… Continue reading Massive Attack reveal a terrifyingly chrome future in “Splitting The Atom” video

Quick Hits: New album from Emanuel and the Fear, Savoir Adore in D.C., new video from Shadows on a River

Emanuel and the Fear, the 11-piece (count ’em) outfit from Brooklyn, are set to release their first full-length, Listen, March 9, 2010. And what does an 11-piece do when presented with the opportunity to create an album? They make an epic 18 song-er, duh. Emanuel and the Fear – “Dear Friend” [MP3] Pre-order Listen on… Continue reading Quick Hits: New album from Emanuel and the Fear, Savoir Adore in D.C., new video from Shadows on a River

Animal Collective makes epic video for Brother Sport (what’s new?)

It’s been about a year since Animal Collective unleashed the now legendary Merriweather Post Pavilion on the world, and yet they’re STILL stealing headlines with material from the album. This time, it’s a really cool video for “Brother Sport,” that is equal parts beautiful, terrifying, inspiring, psychedelic, and comforting. Confusing? Wait ’til the eggs and… Continue reading Animal Collective makes epic video for Brother Sport (what’s new?)

Islands gives Michael Cera drugs and shoots a music video

You heard me right. Islands. Cera. Drugs. Video. Looks like our man, MC buys some shady pills to to tune of Islands’ “No You Don’t” and goes crazy with lights (!!) and trees (!!) and a guy (!!) who is everywhere (!!). It’s a video in the style of a 90s anti-drug film, which I… Continue reading Islands gives Michael Cera drugs and shoots a music video

Magic Wands all about the wind and confetti in “Kiss Me Dead” video

We all love fake wind, fake driving and confetti, don’t we? With oversized tiger heads? And ferns? Good, I’m glad we’re all on the same page. So let me direct you, now to the new Magic Wands video for “Kiss Me Dead.” It was clearly shot in a basement on a low budget, and that’s… Continue reading Magic Wands all about the wind and confetti in “Kiss Me Dead” video

Vampire Weekend release video for new single “Cousins”

Vampire Weekend is back, everybody! They’re going to be releasing the first big album of the new decade, Contra, on January 12, but for now they’re teasing the eager fans with singles. We first heard the softer side with “Horchata,” a pretty good little song. And now we have the faster-paced “Cousins.” And awww the… Continue reading Vampire Weekend release video for new single “Cousins”

The Golden Filter make sweet, intimate video for “Thunderbird”

The Golden Filter released a gem back in September called “Thunderbird” that is just now getting the video treatment it SO deserved. It’s not adventurous or experimental or creepy (like some OTHER recent videos), but it’s sweet and intimate and, most importantly, it matches the soft nature of the song. The Thunderbird 12″ is out… Continue reading The Golden Filter make sweet, intimate video for “Thunderbird”

Animal Collective takes music videos to art school with “In The Flowers”

Look, we all love Animal Collective, right? We also all love music videos that look like they were made in an art-school film class. So naturally, by math, we all love Animal Collective’s new video for “In The Flowers.” Which is lucky for them. Don’t blame me, I’m just the fact messenger. [youtube width=”540″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYEAflCO4Eo[/youtube]

Flaming Lips make NSFW artistic vision come true

Remember when I told you The Flaming Lips like to be experimental and “artistic” and what not? Well shortly after they recorded their latest album, Embryonic, front man Wayne Coyne had an idea for a music video he said would include lots of naked people, his trademark bubble and some birth metaphors. And today? Mission… Continue reading Flaming Lips make NSFW artistic vision come true