Ticket giveaway and interview with Greg Laswell

Greg Laswell is playing at the Rock & Roll Hotel in DC on May 24 on his first full band headlining tour. We have TWO free tickets to give away to a lucky winner — Email us at knoxroadblog@gmail.com and title your subject “Greg Laswell Ticket Participant: [your name]”. We will choose the winner at… Continue reading Ticket giveaway and interview with Greg Laswell

In Case You Missed It: Week in Review

Jamie and I are graduating College in two weeks. So we’ve been tying up loose ends, making friends with enemies, drinking, stressing, happy-ing, and blogging! (Jon has been, well, doing his usual Jon stuff. He’s still got some college life ahead of him.) Oh, and Happy Mother’s Day! …And with that, the week in review:… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review

[MP3] The Powder Kegs: “La Mariposa”

I’ll admit, after hearing the first few seconds of “La Mariposa” I thought I’d can the song right away; the vocals were a major turn off. But I gave the song a chance, and whaddaya know, layers of warm and exciting instrumentation were added and the music became that much more pleasurable. It showed these… Continue reading [MP3] The Powder Kegs: “La Mariposa”

Lanterns on the Lake

Lanterns on the Lake – “Lungs Quicken” [stream only]* [audio:https://www.knoxroad.com/wp-content/music/May/01%20Lungs%20Quicken.mp3] I’m spinning, yes I am. I’m gliding, yes I am. I’m invincible, yes I am. I don’t wait for anyone. I do what I want. I don’t take no for an answer. I am strong. I am who I am. I’m skipping out on life again.… Continue reading Lanterns on the Lake

The New Pornographers please with well-crafted pop tunes on Together

The New Pornographers don’t have a lot to prove. The powerhouse indie veterans have been around since 1997 and boast a catalogue of four previous albums that (aside from the most recent, Challengers) have been hailed by critics and gobbled up by indie fans everywhere. It’s with this cool confidence that the band struts into… Continue reading The New Pornographers please with well-crafted pop tunes on Together

Broken Social Scene is mostly triumphant on Forgiveness Rock Record

The ever-changing Broken Social Scene collective has provided listeners with a variety of different sounds throughout its career, which has now spanned nine years. Unconventional, atmospheric pop rock is the specialty of Kevin Drew, Brendan Canning and friends, and they get back to that foundation pretty well on their newest LP, Forgiveness Rock Record. The… Continue reading Broken Social Scene is mostly triumphant on Forgiveness Rock Record

[MP3] Bromheads: “Fan of the Vagrants”

It’s like Saturday is day-where-I-post-things-about-bands-I’ve-previously-posted-about day. Earlier this morning it was sing-speak rockers mewithoutYou, and now it’s UK-based Bromheads, who I first wrote about at the turn of the decade. They’ve just released a new MP3 for your downloading pleasure called “Fan of the Vagrants,” and it’s pretty much what you’d expect: quick, fun and… Continue reading [MP3] Bromheads: “Fan of the Vagrants”

[MP3s] Dana Falconberry + Brad Senne

Why not post two mp3s from the same email together? It only makes sense. Dana Falconberry is a singer/songwriter with an alt-folk twang and a precious voice. The songs are intimately dazzling, somehow managing to haunt with eerie harmonies but stay warm at the same time. Her voice is by no means vibrant or resonant,… Continue reading [MP3s] Dana Falconberry + Brad Senne

[MP3] Korallreven: “The Truest Faith”

What exactly does music inspired by Samoan Catholic church choirs sound like, you ask? If I told you it sounded like Korallreven, would that help explain things any? Well it shouldn’t. Unless you’re already familiar with the duo made up of Marcus Joons and Daniel Tjader, keyboardist for The Radio Dept. The two spent some… Continue reading [MP3] Korallreven: “The Truest Faith”