Radical Face’s new video for “Doorways”

Hear ye! Hear Ye! Radical Face (Ben Cooper) has released the video for “Doorways” from the recently released Touch the Sky EP. Conjuring up images of Peter Pan and, to get a bit personal (as always), my sister and I playing in the wooded area across the street from my childhood home, Cooper and collaborator… Continue reading Radical Face’s new video for “Doorways”


Ladycop is a Brooklyn band who’s been around for a few years, but with the release of their latest album, Waves, they’re ready to strike it big. Waves, released in September, is full of swooning indie rock with pulsating guitar and generous synth. Tracks alternate from hushed acoustic beauties to spacey, echo-filled segments to slow-building cathartic anthems.… Continue reading Ladycop

Evan P. Donohue

Evan P. Donohue is a budding multi-instrumentalist based out of Nashville, making a name for himself with eccentric rock and a dash of retro. Donohue’s low, powerful voice blossoms against a breezy backing. Playful harmonies work their way into several lively songs. I’m not even sure what the best context is to listen to this… Continue reading Evan P. Donohue

I Hate You Just Kidding

There’s really nothing like a guy-girl duo in music, with the ebb and flow of the baritone and soprano working wonders. I Hate You Just Kidding falls under the category pretty well (did you expect anything else from a band called I Hate You Just Kidding?) using a toasty and tasty blend of pop folk… Continue reading I Hate You Just Kidding

[MP3] Hosannas: “When We Were Young”

Hosannas, of Portland, Oregon, released a new single, “When We Were Young”, for free download today. It comes as the teaser track off their forthcoming effort, Together, to be released November 9 via their own label Tree Farm Records (in partnership with Hush). “When We Were Young” is bursting with energy from the very first… Continue reading [MP3] Hosannas: “When We Were Young”

The Conduits

It’s time for The Conduits. Such a sweet duo, these two. It’s like they’ve known each other for years with their brilliant chemistry! Except…they’ve never even met. Christopher Postill lives in Toronto and Heather Mauch lives in San Fransisco. As far as North America is concerned, they couldn’t be living much farther away from each other.… Continue reading The Conduits


From the indiest of the indie comes Luftwaffe, a band that does everything themselves, in the hottest summer air (without air conditioning, obvz), and releases all their hard work for free. If it makes them happy, then it certainly makes me happy, because I’ve fallen in love with their sublime pop music. The Luftwaffe fellas,… Continue reading Luftwaffe

Stream a new song from Holly Conlan, “Stay”

A Knox Road favorite, Holly Conlan, just released a new single, “Stay”, and kindly provided it to us for streaming purposes. Now, you may not admit to being a sap like me, that’s fine and all, but I don’t believe you if you say you don’t have a bone of feeling in your body. Conlan’s… Continue reading Stream a new song from Holly Conlan, “Stay”

[MP3] Joshua LeMasters: “Cold Houses”

It’s been a while since I’ve thrown some warm Americana your way – you know, the type that’s meant for a chimney fire or out on the porch staring into nature’s abyss as the temperature cools off. Don’t tell me you don’t know what I’m talking about – it may seem overly clichĂ©, but, like,… Continue reading [MP3] Joshua LeMasters: “Cold Houses”

Church Of The Very Bright Lights

Ever wonder what the band Women would sound like…as a different band? Me neither, but now we don’t have to! Church Of The Very Bright Lights, out of Calgary, is James Cullen, backed by Chris Reimer on drums and Matt Flegel (of Women) on bass. Church Of The Very Bright Lights recently finished up a… Continue reading Church Of The Very Bright Lights