MGMT’s video for “Congratulations” tells us where stars are born

I think I’m getting used to MGMT videos now. Are they weird, odd, against the grain? Yes. But does that make them bad or unwatchable? Never! I’m sure they represent things that are very deep and meaningful! And visually they’re always interesting and unique! In this one we have our familiar heros traveling through some… Continue reading MGMT’s video for “Congratulations” tells us where stars are born

MGMT constructs possibly evil machine in nutzo video for “It’s Working”

I talked a lot about the art of the music video after MGMT premiered their last video for “Flash Delirium.” Well now the boys are back with another video for “It’s Working” from their love-it-or-hate-it sophomore album, Congratulations (for the record, I loved it). The new video is more of the same confusing possible metaphors… Continue reading MGMT constructs possibly evil machine in nutzo video for “It’s Working”

MGMT is jarring, surreal, wonderful on Congratulations

I think the best way to approach MGMT’s follow-up album, Congratulations, is to just pretend it’s not by MGMT. At least not by the MGMT you know and love already for their pop-indie hits “Kids,” “Time To Pretend” and “Electric Feel.” One of the things that plagued reception to the band’s first new single, “Flash Delirium,”… Continue reading MGMT is jarring, surreal, wonderful on Congratulations

Regarding modern art and MGMT’s “Flash Delirium” video

We here at Knox Road talk a lot about “weird,” “bizarre” or “crazy” music videos. I myself like to indulge in the modern art that music videos have now become in much the same way I would a Warhol or Dali painting. I like to observe it for what it is, and try not to… Continue reading Regarding modern art and MGMT’s “Flash Delirium” video

Jónsi covers MGMT’s “Time to Pretend”

Covers every which way! Jónsi stepped into the BBC radio studios earlier today and recorded his original song “Go Do” off his forthcoming solo debut Go along with a cover of MGMT’s “Time to Pretend”.  As is typical of Jónsi, it’s gorgeous. The biggest surprise here is the song selection. I guess Jónsi listens to… Continue reading Jónsi covers MGMT’s “Time to Pretend”

The KiD CuDi/MGMT/Ratatat collaboration??

I guess I’m way too late on this. Where the hell did it come from? When did Kid Cudi, MGMT and of all third parties, Ratatat, get together for this collaboration? Logistics aside, the track, “Pursuit of Happiness,” is a hip-hop infused electronica ballad that’s way more indie than anything Cudi has done so far. The… Continue reading The KiD CuDi/MGMT/Ratatat collaboration??

2009 Bonnaroo Lineup Announced

Not to be outdone by Coachella, Bonnaroo, that other music festival, has released their lineup of fantastic music. Here are some highlights; be sure to check the full listing on the official website. In bold are artists we have blogged about. Bruce Springstreen and the E Street Band Phish (2 shows) Beastie Boys Wilco The… Continue reading 2009 Bonnaroo Lineup Announced

MGMT’s Andrew VanWyngarden wrote a song in college about supervolcanoes. AWESOME.

So the story goes that back at Wesleyan College in 2005, MGMT’s Andrew VanWyngarden wrote a song about supervolcanoes for a class called “Hazardous Earth.” The track was first unearthed by Wesleyan college blog Wesleying and is now all over the place everywhere. He wrote it with some guy who isn’t in MGMT (boring) and… Continue reading MGMT’s Andrew VanWyngarden wrote a song in college about supervolcanoes. AWESOME.