[Abby’s Road] Songs in the key of ache

”People don’t want to hear it, do they?” she said. No one said anything, because we weren’t sure where she was at. “This is how I feel, every day, and people don’t want to know that. They want to know that I’m feeling what Tom Jones makes you feel. Or that Australian girl who used… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Songs in the key of ache

[Abby’s Road] The Happiest Melancholia

We, as music lovers and collectors, are blessed and cursed I think. Here’s the scoop: we have at our fingertips a seemingly endless supply of emotional stimulants and downers. If elated one can crank up a particularly smasheverythinganddance record to conjure up even more jubilation; if supremely sad, the leveling quiet of, say, post rock… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] The Happiest Melancholia


What do you get when you take Amy Millan out of Canandian troupe Stars and replace her with a guy? Answer:  Memphis. That’s basically all there is to it. Memphis’ instrumentation is so similar to that of Stars that if Amy Millan’s ethereal voice wasn’t missing I wouldn’t notice the difference. For real. Memphis is… Continue reading Memphis