”People don’t want to hear it, do they?” she said. No one said anything, because we weren’t sure where she was at. “This is how I feel, every day, and people don’t want to know that. They want to know that I’m feeling what Tom Jones makes you feel. Or that Australian girl who used… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Songs in the key of ache
Tag: Melancholy
Bruno Merz
Yes, Bruno Merz is the artist’s name and that’s all I’m going to say on that topic. I hate to get all depressing on you guys, but Merz, born in New Zealand and currently living in the UK, has dropped a gem of an utmost delicate nature. Best listened to when in bed, either going… Continue reading Bruno Merz
[Abby’s Road] The Happiest Melancholia
We, as music lovers and collectors, are blessed and cursed I think. Here’s the scoop: we have at our fingertips a seemingly endless supply of emotional stimulants and downers. If elated one can crank up a particularly smasheverythinganddance record to conjure up even more jubilation; if supremely sad, the leveling quiet of, say, post rock… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] The Happiest Melancholia
What do you get when you take Amy Millan out of Canandian troupe Stars and replace her with a guy? Answer: Memphis. That’s basically all there is to it. Memphis’ instrumentation is so similar to that of Stars that if Amy Millan’s ethereal voice wasn’t missing I wouldn’t notice the difference. For real. Memphis is… Continue reading Memphis