[Hype Hype Hooray] The Perfect Storm That Created Scattered Year-End Lists

Every [two weeks?] Jamie Hale takes a long, hard look at the music industry and the blog scene that feeds it. Here, he releases those findings and makes snarky, sarcastic remarks. Admittedly, both Jamie and Knox Road are a part of this scene. So sue us. By now everybody (who MATTERS) has released an annual… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] The Perfect Storm That Created Scattered Year-End Lists

[Abby’s Road] How many lists could a list-maker list…?

I am the queen of lists. I am always making them – have been since I was a little girl. I get it honestly as my father was always jotting something down on a small, white pad of paper or penciling facts and figures on the wall of his woodshop. The inside of my purses… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] How many lists could a list-maker list…?