Thanks to all of you, Knox Road is on Wikio’s list of the most widely referenced music blogs for May, and my are we in some amazing company – many blogs that we ourselves frequent on a daily/weekly basis. (Also, check out our blogroll for more sites that inspire us.) This is all very surreal… Continue reading Knox Road in top 100 monthly music blog rankings!
Tag: knox road
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
Did you get caught up in the post SXSW fever that you just had to lie down and couldn’t bring yourself to read any music blog (even one that never got to go to SXSW…)? Well have no fear, here’s what you missed this week at Knox Road: Monday – Balmorhea creates imaginative, dream-like compositions… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In case you missed it, Jack White started a new band. I forgive you though. You probably confused it with his 5,000 other self-created bands. But I don’t forgive all the other things you’ve missed this past week at Knox Road, so this is your last chance to redeem yourself! Ahem, the KR Week in… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
We know you’ve all been (and still are) anxiously anticipating Knox Road’s NEW LOOK (coming soon!) and couldn’t really focus on this one. So here’s what you missed this week! Sunday Dayliner releases March mp3, “Lucy” Monday Helicopters blend synths and guitar to create a catchy, energetic sound Knox Road exclusive! Interview with the wonderful… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
We know you were soooo busy practicing the “Jai Ho” dance and auditioning for Bollywood films, so here’s what you missed this week at Knox Road! Sunday Lee’s Oscar predictions are pretty spot-on (yes, Lee is writing this Week in Review. He will continue to say good things about himself. In the third person.) Monday… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
Yeah, you were definitely making weird pixelated videos to compete against Chairlift and leaking Yeah Yeah Yeahs tracks. That’s why we’re telling you what you missed this week on Knox Road. Sunday: Bob on B.o.B’s “I’ll be in the Sky” Monday: Awful person Santo Gold raps about stealing Santogold’s name iCatching works with N.A.S.A. and… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In case you were laughing so much from Incredibad and didn’t get enough oxygen to your brain to think straight this week, here’s what you missed: Monday Radiohead’s all-amazing Grammy’s video complete with a Thom Yorke spastic dance A new Lonely Island video? Nah, Knox Road would never…. Lee gets all gooey with Blind Pilot… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
Oh no, don’t cry! It’s okay if you missed what happened this week at Knox Road! I promise! I mean, honestly, even Jamie was on vacation! Here, delicately wrapped, is the week in review. Aw, love the smile. Monday Jamie’s a photography geek and wishes he could have made Friendly Fires’ “Skeleton Boy” video Syme… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
Update: File Hosting
Knox Road is proud to announce that when you want to download an mp3 you will not have to leave for another website anymore. From now on (not including previous mp3s) you can download the song from right here by right clicking the link and then selecting “save target as” or “download linked file as”. … Continue reading Update: File Hosting