After fifteen years, Marc Bianchi is ready to put Her Space Holiday to rest. After a string of quality releases covering various styles, Bianchi is poised to release the last Her Space Holiday album on August 16. After that, Bianchi will find a new outlet for his music. So, in celebration of a job well… Continue reading Her Space Holiday releases free EP; prepares final hurrah
Tag: Her Space Holiday
Knox Road’s second annual 4th of July mix. Happy birthday America!
I enjoy what I wrote as an intro to the July 4 post last year, so you’re getting it again. Suckas! Same questions / feedback applies. Week In Review will be pushed back to later today or tomorrow. From Knox Road to all of you, Happy Fourth of July. For our non-US readers, thanks for… Continue reading Knox Road’s second annual 4th of July mix. Happy birthday America!