The Ten Most Beloved Songs I Hate [Part 2]

[Read Part 1 | Illustration by Jen May] 5. Cher Lloyd – “Want U Back” Are people stupid? Are people getting stupider? Is that a real thing that’s happening? Is the Internet ruining our brains? Do babies have iPhones? What is the world like? Is Cher Lloyd because of climate change? Cher Lloyd is very… Continue reading The Ten Most Beloved Songs I Hate [Part 2]

[MP3] SUNBEARS! – “I’m Alive”

Trivia time! On a scale from one to twee, how twee is this band’s name? The answer, if you were wondering, is ” 🙂 🙂 :).” But screw it, these guys are pretty good. I saw them without knowing who they were last April opening for Black Kids and Mates of State, and although they… Continue reading [MP3] SUNBEARS! – “I’m Alive”

Flash(not so far)back: The Format

That headline made me sad to type. There was a period of high school during which I listened to The Format (primarily Arizona natives Sam Means and Nate Ruess, though their tours included many other members) non-stop, as some of my friends can attest. They put out some of the catchiest pop songs I had… Continue reading Flash(not so far)back: The Format