Knox Road’s second annual 4th of July mix. Happy birthday America!

I enjoy what I wrote as an intro to the July 4 post last year, so you’re getting it again. Suckas! Same questions / feedback applies. Week In Review will be pushed back to later today or tomorrow. From Knox Road to all of you, Happy Fourth of July. For our non-US readers, thanks for… Continue reading Knox Road’s second annual 4th of July mix. Happy birthday America!

Grizzly Bear posts “Cheerleader” mp3 from Veckatimest

Word on the street (thanks to Will at We All Want Someone To Shout For), and information I previously wasn’t privy to: Grizzly Bear has posted a free, legal mp3 of “Cheerleader” from their forthcoming, hotly-anticipated (understatement) Veckatimest. So, um…wow. Totally awesome. There’s not much else to say. Can’t wait for the album to come… Continue reading Grizzly Bear posts “Cheerleader” mp3 from Veckatimest