Faux Fix

This is how music discovery should work. I hear a great track by a well-established artist and it happens to feature a relative unknown with whom I begin to fall in love. Such a love story happened yesterday, when I posted Son Lux’s “No Fate Awaits Me” featuring vocals by Faux Fix. Well by golly!… Continue reading Faux Fix

Novelty Daughter

Novelty Daughter = Faith Harding = Wow. The twists and turns of the experimental production on Novelty Daughter’s debut album are a refreshing and welcome addition to a soulful voice. I am clueless as to what will happen from one second to the next, and that, my friends, is thrilling. Some real fun for a… Continue reading Novelty Daughter

New music from Color of Clouds

The sun is past setting and she closes her blinds, flipping on three of her room lamps. She looks at the wooden floorboards of her apartment and gets lost in the maze. The steam heater in the corner spouts water into its crevices, making everything appear darker than it did the day before. She stares… Continue reading New music from Color of Clouds

Me And My Drummer

I apologize for not picking up on this duo sooner. After hearing them off the recently released music video for their single, “Don’t Be So Hot,” I’m ready for a much heavier dose of Berlin’s Me And My Drummer. The climactic ending is staggering, as are Charlotte Brandi’s vocals. Me And My Drummer on the… Continue reading Me And My Drummer

Doe Paoro

Isn’t it fantastic when you get music recommendations from co-workers? And the artists are actually great (not to mention friends with your co-workers)? YES, it’s very much fantastic. Which is why I’m so excited to present Doe Paoro to you, and her latest single, “Can’t Leave You.” Doe Paoro is one Brooklyn-based Sonia Kreitzer. I… Continue reading Doe Paoro

[MP3] Lanu: “Fall (feat. Megan Washington)”

So, I gotta be honest with you (which begs the question, am I usually not honest with you?). It took some time to get this song cleared to post for download on Knox Road. It’s available as a free download on Lanu’s Bandcamp (which I recommend you check out — there are more great free… Continue reading [MP3] Lanu: “Fall (feat. Megan Washington)”

[MP3] ohnomoon: “Sleeping Limbs”

As hard it as it can usually be to get back into a routine, I’m happy to be posting here again. I recently returned from my lengthy work trip and I certainly missed this blogging stuff. Lots of things have changed since I was gone. The backend of WordPress (our publishing platform for Knox Road)… Continue reading [MP3] ohnomoon: “Sleeping Limbs”