Muse reveal The Resistance tracklist, prepare to duel with gods

So recently Muse gave us the ol’ list of tracks for their newest, The Resistance, which comes out on September 14th of this year…and it’s the most hyperbolic, epic, seraph-mangling, monster-truck-rallying, Avada Kadavra-casting group of words ever put to paper. See for yourself: 1. Uprising 2. Resistance 3. Undisclosed Desires 4. United States of Eurasia… Continue reading Muse reveal The Resistance tracklist, prepare to duel with gods

iLiKETRAiNS makes music, enjoys locomotives

The first lines in the first song of the first album by Leeds-based iLiKETRAiNS (yes, it’s stylized just like that), sung by frontman David Martin, go as such: “How could I / Have led these men to their demise / And they just follow?” It’s not a particularly optimistic sentiment, sure, and the fact that… Continue reading iLiKETRAiNS makes music, enjoys locomotives