Junior Prom’s debut EP

OH MY GOD I needed some Junior Prom this morning. Last time I wrote about them I called it “Bright Music Monday,” but, you know, President’s Day was yesterday, so basically this Tuesday is like a Monday. And damn do I need a kick start this week. Winter labors on but Junior Prom will have… Continue reading Junior Prom’s debut EP

Wildlife Control: “Different”

They painted the halls a light green, so that when the patients are feeling ill they don’t see abrasive colors. There’s something soothing about that green found on marine ships for the same reason. But I want my grandma’s room painted in bright oranges and reds. I want warmth; I want her to feel alive… Continue reading Wildlife Control: “Different”

[MP3] Gliss: “Hunting”

Happy Thanksgiving, America! Need some noise for after-the-food festivities to infuse your night-music soul? Gliss, a Danish/American three-piece, is happy to provide for you. Their recently released track, “Hunting,” is a multi-sensory experience; close your eyes as you listen and see the flashing neon lights. Gliss – “Hunting” [MP3] Gliss’ new album, Langsom Dans, is… Continue reading [MP3] Gliss: “Hunting”

[MP3] Qurious: “Submarine”

I am in my hometown of Boston in advance of Thanksgiving, and this “turns-dark-at-4:45 pm” thing is a major buzz kill. But I think I found an appropriate song to play over those few minutes that the sunlight fades to black. Qurious is Mike Netland and Catherine Quesenberry out of Atlanta. They released their newest… Continue reading [MP3] Qurious: “Submarine”

[Abby’s Road] Riding the Delta Wave

Earworms. We all get them. Usually it’s a bad track someone unknowingly burrows into our head, unbeknownst to us. Then, as innocently as it happens, an hour after the crime is committed we find ourselves humming a ridiculous song by Lionel Richie. More joyous, however, are the rare instances when we hear a new song… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Riding the Delta Wave

[MP3] Shadow Shadow: “Riviera”

Thanks to a longtime Knox Road reader, @MscTch, I was recently made aware of a stunning new song from the mysterious Swedish act, Shadow Shadow. Rumors abound about the group’s identity, but I don’t want to go making assumptions without knowing the true story here, and I imagine the info will be made public soon,… Continue reading [MP3] Shadow Shadow: “Riviera”