In Case You Missed It: Week In Review

I don’t know about you, but I forgive Jim Joyce. He’s obviously a good guy, and mistakes happen. Armando Galarraga, meanwhile, has become one of my most (and I’m sure basically everyone else’s) respected players in the game. In other news, this season of Friday Night Lights (the show’s fourth) has helped ease my pain… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week In Review

Delorean announces tour dates with Miike Snow

Delorean is great, nobody can deny that. Miike Snow is also great, but there are more than a few people willing to deny that (sorry guys). But the two together on tour? That’s a greatness that some people will deny, while others will not. Confused yet? It’s not like it’s math. Although I guess it… Continue reading Delorean announces tour dates with Miike Snow