Faux Fix

This is how music discovery should work. I hear a great track by a well-established artist and it happens to feature a relative unknown with whom I begin to fall in love. Such a love story happened yesterday, when I posted Son Lux’s “No Fate Awaits Me” featuring vocals by Faux Fix. Well by golly!… Continue reading Faux Fix

12 Days of Christmas Music: Weird Collaborations

Day 5 of our Christmas music series goes to those bizarre collaborations that have happened this year. Seriously, I want to see the meeting where these people get together and say “You know what would be swell? Us making a Christmas song together!” “A Christmas Duel” The first track I came across was the duet… Continue reading 12 Days of Christmas Music: Weird Collaborations

“The Hives and Cyndi Lauper in a Christmas Duel”

We all know that as soon as all that Thanksgiving tryptophan wears off it’s time to get ready for the next big holiday season. So why not kick it off with a track from The Hives and Cyndi Lauper (huh??)! WARNING: Parents, get your kids out of the room before listening, it’s not what I… Continue reading “The Hives and Cyndi Lauper in a Christmas Duel”