Today in bizarre supergroups: Apparatjik

Whenever someone asks me to name my dream supergroup, I immediately say something to the effect of “the dude from Mew, that one guy from Coldplay, and another one from the ’80’s group A-ha.” And then we all laugh sarcastically. And then we pee on walls and stuff, because we’re men, dammit. But anyway, jokesupergroupsaywhat?… Continue reading Today in bizarre supergroups: Apparatjik

Coldplay offers remix to stupid “Viva La Vida”

In the spirit of the holidays or to thank fans in the spirit of the holidays or something, Coldplay is giving away a remix of “Viva La Vida” by Thin White Duke. Personally, I was tired of “Viva” pretty much from day one. This remix takes that tired modern rock formula and makes it sort… Continue reading Coldplay offers remix to stupid “Viva La Vida”

Newsflash: Coldplay Quitting?

Looks like Chris Martin is hinting at a Coldplay break-up within two years. He says he’s too old. Considering he’s 31, that should make us all feel really good about life. But hey, Coldplay can go on without him…                …Or not.