The Radio Dept. is fuzzy but exquisite on Clinging to a Scheme

In a shocking turn of events, this review is heading to… SWEDEN! Okay fine, we (I) may overdo the Swedish stuff a bit on Knox Road (I know, impossible), but the music is so damn good. The Radio Dept. mostly affirms that on Clinging to a Scheme, only their third full-length despite originally forming in… Continue reading The Radio Dept. is fuzzy but exquisite on Clinging to a Scheme

[MP3] The Radio Dept.: “Never Follow Suit”

The Radio Dept. finally made their much-ballyhooed second single (it’s been floating around the interwebs for quite some time now), “Never Follow Suit”, available for free download. You know my mantra here on Knox Road: Gimme Swedish Rock! These guys are yet another epitome of Sweden’s brilliantly constructed, chilled-out dream pop, and nowhere is that more… Continue reading [MP3] The Radio Dept.: “Never Follow Suit”