Bell X1 returns with sixth album, Chop Chop

Long one of my favorite bands, Bell X1 hadn’t probed my space much over the last couple years. That may have been my ignorance, but more likely it’s that the band wasn’t up to much new studio recording as they toured. However, that’s all changed, as the Irish trio grouped together to record their newest… Continue reading Bell X1 returns with sixth album, Chop Chop

[MP3] Hey Sholay: “Dreamboat”

Oh man. This is EXACTLY the kind of tune I needed to finish off a freezing cold / snow-laden week in NYC. Bouncy; peppy; totally infectious. It makes me smile. Hey Sholay – “Dreamboat” [MP3] Hey Sholay is a new five-piece band from Sheffield, UK and their providing music on the internet is an even… Continue reading [MP3] Hey Sholay: “Dreamboat”

[MP3] Kurran And The Wolfnotes: “Here To Fill You In”

Feel like Déjà vu? Well don’t worry…it kind of is. I posted a track by the catchy Brit studs (and lady) Kurran And The Wolfnotes less than a month ago, and now they’re back with more in “Here To Fill You In”. It doesn’t get quite as loud or uproarious as “Your Four Limbs”, but… Continue reading [MP3] Kurran And The Wolfnotes: “Here To Fill You In”

Civil Twilight set for big things in 2010

Originally from South Africa, Civil Twilight is making a name for themselves in the States, where they’ve been featured in recent television spots and currently reside. The trio, comprised of brothers Steven and Andrew McKellar, alongside lead singer Richard Wouters, is driven by crunching guitars and piano ballads, forming a distinctly Britpop influenced sound. As… Continue reading Civil Twilight set for big things in 2010

[MP3] Athlete: “Don’t Hold Your Breath”…(and other relevant news)

I won’t lie – I’ve been an Athlete fan for quite some time now. While inconsistencies have no doubt been a major problem for the British quartet, they still manage to capture my attention with several songs. “Tourist” and “Airport Disco”, in particular, always renew my faith in Athlete’s ability when they come up on… Continue reading [MP3] Athlete: “Don’t Hold Your Breath”…(and other relevant news)

Bell X1 new album: “Blue Lights On The Runway” to be released in March

Ireland’s Bell X1, one of my favorite bands and Damien Rice’s muse, is coming out with a new album, Blue Lights On The Runway, to be released on Yep Roc Records, March 3rd. Bell X1 is of the Britpop sounding variety, with soft vocals and atmospheric electronica. We’ll be giving you a promotional mp3 from… Continue reading Bell X1 new album: “Blue Lights On The Runway” to be released in March

Newsflash: “Amazon MP3 launches in the UK”

That’s right iTunes and all you other MP3 sellers. Amazon MP3 expanded from the US to the UK. The big boys are now crowding the scene in that Britpop world. Which begs the question: are indie record labels in trouble? The Wombats – “Lost In The Post” “She was signed, sealed and lost in the… Continue reading Newsflash: “Amazon MP3 launches in the UK”