iTunes Mixery

It’s that time again! If you’ve been reading along, you know the rules. If not, here’s a little refresher: I press shuffle play on iTunes, and then tell you which 5 songs show up and provide a little tidbit and the mp3 (most of the time). Judging is allowed. Here’s hoping I don’t embarrass myself.… Continue reading iTunes Mixery

I keep listening to: The Middle East – “Blood”

The past week I’ve been listening to the song “Blood”, from Australia’s The Middle East, over and over. And over. The band has been compared to Arcade Fire, treading forbidden territory, yet I am of the opinion that this is indeed an apt description, at least for the second half of “Blood”, which yields a… Continue reading I keep listening to: The Middle East – “Blood”

Knox Road in: The Year That Was, 2008

Without further ado, we present to you 2008, in review. Top 10 Best Things (in no particular order): Kanye West’s “Eat Shit and Die” Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, and Conan O’ Brian fighting on national television Michael Phelps sets a lot of world records and loves freedom and democracy Of Montreal’s Kevin Barnes performs on… Continue reading Knox Road in: The Year That Was, 2008

Anathallo – Canopy Glow

Anathallo is one of those cacophonous ensemble bands that no one can get enough of these days. Using several different sounds from a variety of changing members, Anathallo hails from Michigan but currently resides in Chicago, Illinois. Ever since I heard the awe inspiring Sufjan Stevens I had been looking for any artist comparable to… Continue reading Anathallo – Canopy Glow