Billy Momo

Swedish music has found its proper place in my ears again thanks to Billy Momo, the duo of Oskar Hovell and Tomas Juto. As their website says, “Some call it “americana gypsy music”. Some call it “hick RnB”.” Check out a couple tracks below off their recently released debut album, Ordinary Men. It’s easy listening,… Continue reading Billy Momo

Black Whales release new album, Shangri-La Indeed

Black Whales, out of Seattle, present a warm Americana rock sound on their newest album, Shangri-La Indeed. I’ve included two of my favorite songs below, which differ in rhythm but remain the same in appeal. Which is high. I’m not really making sense. But Black Whales are way more organized with their music than I… Continue reading Black Whales release new album, Shangri-La Indeed

Oax stuns with This Distance

When a band like Oax comes into your life, you need to mark the date on your calendar. This Distance, the debut effort from Houston’s Giorgio Angelini, is hands down the best record I’ve heard from a new band this year. Angelini himself is no newcomer to the indie-rock scene; he’s toured with The Rosebuds… Continue reading Oax stuns with This Distance

The Wealthy West

Brandon Kinder, out of Austin, Texas, is The Wealthy West, which showcases his impressive singer/songwriter skills. Employing a pensive demeanor and a forlorn timbre, Kinder delivers short, melancholic tunes with a powerful affect. Kinder recently released a five song acoustic EP with just enough despair to make you slightly unstable. But emotion is good, yeah?… Continue reading The Wealthy West

[MP3] Joshua LeMasters: “Cold Houses”

It’s been a while since I’ve thrown some warm Americana your way – you know, the type that’s meant for a chimney fire or out on the porch staring into nature’s abyss as the temperature cools off. Don’t tell me you don’t know what I’m talking about – it may seem overly cliché, but, like,… Continue reading [MP3] Joshua LeMasters: “Cold Houses”