[Abby’s Road] Kicking It Old School

And then there were three. In my language class, that is. I’ve enrolled myself in what one calls an “Intensive German Class.” M-F, 9am-1pm for 2 months. Intense indeed. It started with four students, including myself. Now, three days in, only GiGi, Jose and I remain. Keep in mind that I haven’t been a student… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Kicking It Old School

[Abby’s Road] Promise me youā€™ll never forget meā€¦

ā€¦ because if I thought you would I’d never leave. -A.A. Milne Over the last year Iā€™ve been lucky to have found an outlet for my ramblings. Being able to harness my twisted, musical stream-of-consciousness thoughts into a cohesive, short-ish blurb in the blogosphere is wonderful and meditative, despite how many (or few) are reading.… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Promise me youā€™ll never forget meā€¦

[Abby’s Road] Thinking hard about the weather

Autumn has always been my favorite season. Because of this, my brain has an inordinately unbalanced pocket of memories, seasonally speaking. Most of my fondest happen to have occurred in and around the crisp, fall days of my past. There is nothing like being in Western Pennsylvania roundabout this time. Despite the dying flora, it… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Thinking hard about the weather

[Abby’s Road] How many lists could a list-maker listā€¦?

I am the queen of lists. I am always making them – have been since I was a little girl. I get it honestly as my father was always jotting something down on a small, white pad of paper or penciling facts and figures on the wall of his woodshop. The inside of my purses… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] How many lists could a list-maker listā€¦?

[Abby’s Road] Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Con

Itā€™s true. I go to shows like itā€™s my job and buy more music than most women in their late-thirties. Though not a gambler, Iā€™d be willing to put money on it. Iā€™ve been told more than once by the grad students in my department that theyā€™re surprised at my age. My favorite exclamation to… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Con

[Abby’s Road] The (second) best medicine

“Weā€™re having some fun Weā€™ve got music and laughter And wonderful times Thatā€™s so important in todayā€™s world Oh yeah.ā€ Truthful words, no? A few weeks ago while bumbling around my local bookstore I fell upon a 2007 memoir of someone who I havenā€™t thought about in quite a while. As I turned it over… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] The (second) best medicine

[Abby’s Road] Shopgirl Evolution

Once upon a time I worked in a record shop. It was way back in the day when cassettes (and cassinglesā€¦heeehee!) were purchased with as much fervor as the compact disc. To compensate the gigantic wage that a retail shopgirl could pocket in the early-nineties, I worked at an indie bookstore as well. Working at… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Shopgirl Evolution