[Hype Hype Hooray] Let’s Talk About Julian Lynch For a Second, Huh?

Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. I sat on a plane in the… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] Let’s Talk About Julian Lynch For a Second, Huh?

Trails and Ways release Trilingual EP

Colors define reality. Dullness becomes hysteria. Do you see color when you listen to the sounds that resonate most in your head? Do you see hot reds and oranges when listening to rock, and grainy blues and greens when listening to folk? Waves of sound become intensely hued. The best sounds make me feel. I view… Continue reading Trails and Ways release Trilingual EP

[soundscape] on where you are now

photo: ‘sleeping, bravely.’ song: peter and the wolf – “safe travels” i was 19. i had moved, recently, from los angeles, where i had been homeless [sleeping in my car, then sleeping in my office when my engine seized] for a month before moving to colorado. i went through bouts of almost- and near- and… Continue reading [soundscape] on where you are now

[Abby’s Road] Songs of love and hate

This is going to be a sensitive one.  Fair warning. Summertime. We’re nearly there, though friends of mine in the eastern US have been sweating their asses off for some time now. Despite torrential downpours and some extreme flooding throughout Germany there have been a few gorgeous, sun-filled half-days sprinkled in for good measure. One… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Songs of love and hate

[Hype Hype Hooray] Rivers Cuomo’s Detestable Fall

Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. Today I decided to check out Rivers… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] Rivers Cuomo’s Detestable Fall

Rue Royale: “Set Out To Discover”

Firstly, we hope all of our American readers had a nice, long Memorial Day weekend involving some form of barbecue (I was on a train and had their BBQ veggie burger. Sounds unexciting but it was fun!). Secondly, with a transition that really has no place here, comes a new song from Anglo-American duo, Rue… Continue reading Rue Royale: “Set Out To Discover”