Silversun Pickups hit #1 on the Billboard charts

Well, that’s impressive. Silversun Pickups‘ single “Panic Switch” has risen to the coveted #1 spot on the Billboard charts, which makes them the first independent artist since 1998 to receive the honors, and the only the third in the history of forever (the other two were songs by Everlast and The Offspring in the ’90’s).… Continue reading Silversun Pickups hit #1 on the Billboard charts

David Lynch is makin’ some tunes

Director of all things creepy and nonsensical David Lynch is back at it, but instead of a movie, his newest output is in the realm of music. It’s a seven song album officially titled Fox Bat Strategy: A Tribute to Dave Jaurequi, and the first released song is streaming over at The song’s a… Continue reading David Lynch is makin’ some tunes

Cool Things: The Lil’ Jon/Banana Phone Mashup

For those of you too young or with too deprived of a childhood, Raffi was this awesome guy back in the day who made silly kids’ songs about belugas, watermelons and banana phones. Why is this important in the far future of 2009? Because some idiot genius decided to mash up his song with Lil’… Continue reading Cool Things: The Lil’ Jon/Banana Phone Mashup

Today in unexpected covers: Frightened Rabbit takes on Neutral Milk Hotel

Right on the heels of The Decemberists’ excellent take on Heart’s “Crazy on You” from a few days ago, we have an episode of Off The Beaten Tracks which finds Frightened Rabbit singer Scott Hutchinson covering Neutral Milk Hotel’s “Song Against Sex.” The song certainly isn’t the same without its near-gratuitous distortion and trumpet parts,… Continue reading Today in unexpected covers: Frightened Rabbit takes on Neutral Milk Hotel

Susan Boyle’s triumphant return

Just in time to celebrate America is Britain’s own rag-to-riches superstar Susan Boyle. After her ridiculously popular international debut, she returned to Britain’s Got Talent for the semi-final round. Because this show is some kind of competition. Who knew. She sings a song from Cats, because apparently Cats is HUGE in Britain. Why? Brits love… Continue reading Susan Boyle’s triumphant return

Wearable towels? Umm… NO. Kthx.

The world is over. That’s it. It’s been a nice run, but we’ve come to an end. Because Snuggies/Slankets became the biggest thing ever, some geniuses thought it would be cool to make wearable towels. So that’s all she wrote. Any kind of reasonable mankind is done. All because of this: The best part? You… Continue reading Wearable towels? Umm… NO. Kthx.

30 Rock gets famous musicians to sing about kidneys!

This is great you guys. The folks at 30 Rock are pretty much kings of the universe right now and got together like, a million celebrity musicians to do a song about giving kidneys in their season finale. I don’t get the context because I don’t watch 30 Rock. YET (starting at season one, baby!).… Continue reading 30 Rock gets famous musicians to sing about kidneys!