[MP3] My Gold Mask: “Circle Mass”

We first heard from Chicago’s My Gold Mask back in April when they gave us some cool dark, brooding stuff. Now they’re back with a much more polished sound that’s a little less brooding, but still just dark enough for my taste. They’ve recently released their A Thousand Voices EP, and are offering up “Circle… Continue reading [MP3] My Gold Mask: “Circle Mass”

[MP3] Eluvium: “Leaves Eclipse The Light”

Another new Eluvium track surfaced today on Stereogum, much to my delight. I can’t even remember how many times I’ve fallen asleep to Matthew Cooper’s music (would be kinda hard I guess, since I fell asleep and all). His sound is perfect for long car rides into a vast abyss, staring out the window as… Continue reading [MP3] Eluvium: “Leaves Eclipse The Light”

Nada Surf to release album of covers; announce spring tour dates

Intriguing much? Nada Surf is releasing an album of 12 covers of their favorite songs, titled if i had a hi-fi. The songs are all over the place genre-wise, including blues, spanish music, power-pop, and everything in between. Although a great deal of thought went into the song selections, the band’s intent is not to… Continue reading Nada Surf to release album of covers; announce spring tour dates

The American Dollar drops new album, Atlas

Hey guys, remember The American Dollar? They of the effervescent soundscapes and jittery electronica? Of course you do! Well, they’re back with a follow-up to 2008’s A Memory Stream in the form of a new LP, Atlas, released January 1. They pretty much deliver what’s expected of them on Atlas, though the sound is a… Continue reading The American Dollar drops new album, Atlas

Notable Album Release: Retribution Gospel Choir – 2

Retribution Gospel Choir is what Low sounds like with the volume and speed/intensity turned up about 15 notches. And I’m not just making the comparison for comparison’s sake (gosh, you have no respect for my writing!); two out of the three members, lead singer Alan Sparhawk and bassist Steve Garrington are actually in Low. The… Continue reading Notable Album Release: Retribution Gospel Choir – 2

[MP3 + Video] Angus & Julia Stone: “And The Boys”

What’s that? New music from Australian sibling sensations Angus & Julia Stone?? With Angus’s new side project, Lady Of The Sunshine, receiving its fair share of press lately, he seems quite willing to let Julia take the reigns on “And The Boys”, the new single from their forthcoming (March 2010) sophomore LP, Down The Way.… Continue reading [MP3 + Video] Angus & Julia Stone: “And The Boys”

Notable Album Release: The Album Leaf – A Chorus Of Storytellers

The Album Leaf is set to release a new album, A Chorus Of Storytellers, February 2, 2010 on Subpop. Wait, let me repeat that. THE Album Leaf have a new album coming out! *Screams of Joy (J capitalized for effect)* Usually I’d say Jimmy LaValle is so talented and all that jazz, but this time… Continue reading Notable Album Release: The Album Leaf – A Chorus Of Storytellers

Indian Wars release “If You Want Me” 7″

Vancouver, B.C.’s Indian Wars recently signed to Bachelor Records and promptly released a four-song 7″, If You Want Me, that can only be an omen of good things to come. The title track, the amazing gritty-ass anthem, “If You Want Me,” is old news, but “Just Can’t Get Along With You,” is new news and great… Continue reading Indian Wars release “If You Want Me” 7″

Lay Low’s ‘Farewell Good Night’s Sleep’ to finally make U.S. debut

The Icelandic treasure that is Lay Low (singer/songwriter Lovisa Elisabet Sigrunardottir) will be releasing her 2008 album, Farewell Good Night’s Sleep in the States March 9, 2010. “Why has it taken so long”, you ask? With all my awesomely extensive music knowledge up at the plate, I can answer with a big, hearty, “I don’t… Continue reading Lay Low’s ‘Farewell Good Night’s Sleep’ to finally make U.S. debut