The Album Leaf’s A Chorus Of Storytellers is just that; and it’s breathtaking

It’s necessary to start this review with a disclaimer. I have been in love (no hyperbole) with The Album Leaf since I first heard Jimmy LaValle’s project over a decade ago (heh). So, every time a new album comes out, it’s difficult for me to think about anything in an objective light, and contrary to… Continue reading The Album Leaf’s A Chorus Of Storytellers is just that; and it’s breathtaking

Toro Y Moi just makes great, chilled out music on Causers Of This

Causers Of This is a lot like a bullet train (go with me on this). If you’re on board with it, it’s a beautiful and impressive experience. But if you let it, it will pass you in a second, leaving behind a trail just impressive enough to make you chase after for another chance (if… Continue reading Toro Y Moi just makes great, chilled out music on Causers Of This


Pleasant, drifting, warm. Bands like Seas keep me going on wintry days like today. The snow is falling but my body temperature is rising (and I reaaalllly don’t mean that in the sexual way, so let’s keep those jokes to a minimum, yeah?). Seas (aka Ben Green, out of D.C.) just released Now My Home… Continue reading Seas

[MP3] Wakey!Wakey!: “Twenty Two”

One of my new favorite singer/songwriters, Michael Grubbs (Wakey!Wakey!), has made available the first single (thanks Amie Street!) off his forthcoming, sophomore LP, Almost Everything I Wish I’d Said The Last Time I Saw You. He’s another artist blurring the lines between indie and mainstream (let’s give another ’round of applause to Rachael Maddux at… Continue reading [MP3] Wakey!Wakey!: “Twenty Two”

Charlotte Gainsbourg needs “umph” on IRM

The Urban Dictionary defines “Umph” as lots of strange sexual things, but I’ve always understood the word to mean that little extra power to make something great. Like “My car just needs a little more umph to get up this hill” or “This amp could use a little more umph to really ROCK” or “Charlotte… Continue reading Charlotte Gainsbourg needs “umph” on IRM

[MP3] Lali Puna: “Remember”

Okay, so if you have incredibly short term memories you may forget that I just called Lali Puna’s upcoming album, Our Inventions, a “Notable Album Release”. Unfortunately at that point I didn’t have a new mp3 to provide for you off the album. As you can probably guess from the title of this post, now… Continue reading [MP3] Lali Puna: “Remember”

Fredrik leaves us gasping for air -in the good way- on Trilogi

We’ve been gearing up for quite some time with this record haven’t we? After the spooky “Mujina/Locked In The Basement” track and a video teaser of “Vinterbarn”, Fredrik gave us plenty of material in steady anticipation of their second full-length, Trilogi. Hot on the heels of their stellar, and at times frighteningly addictive debut, Na… Continue reading Fredrik leaves us gasping for air -in the good way- on Trilogi

Beach House’s Teen Dream encapsulates listeners with its delicate reveries

[Ed. Note: Remember Lin from KR Goes Global? Well she’s still looking for great non-Western bands to blog about for us, but in the meantime we couldn’t resist having her review the much-anticipated and highly publicized Beach House release. So, this review is not written by Lee as the byline up top says, but rather… Continue reading Beach House’s Teen Dream encapsulates listeners with its delicate reveries

Exit Clov make two tracks available from Memento Mori; physical release this weekend in DC!

Dun dun dun. Exit Clov sent us over two tracks from their new CD, Memento Mori, for your free consumption. But here’s the deal: I put in a special code so that you can’t download them unless you purchase tickets to go to one of their two concerts this weekend in DC (or the free… Continue reading Exit Clov make two tracks available from Memento Mori; physical release this weekend in DC!

[MP3] Balmorhea: “Bowsprit”

Wow, Balmorhea are making moves fast. I’ve certainly professed my love for them several times, including these couple posts, and they’ve just made available the first teaser off their new album, Constellations, for free download. The track is called “Bowsprit”, and oh my is it something else. It starts off ever so minimally, with blank… Continue reading [MP3] Balmorhea: “Bowsprit”