[Hype Hype Hooray] The Music Industry’s Very Own Carousel of Demise

Every [two weeks?] Jamie Hale takes a long, hard look at the music industry and the blog scene that feeds it. Here, he releases those findings and makes snarky, sarcastic remarks. Admittedly, both Jamie and Knox Road are a part of this scene. So sue us. Take a ride with me, if you will, on… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] The Music Industry’s Very Own Carousel of Demise

[Stream] Justin Bieber’s 35-minute ambient opus

Can you believe this is going to be my second post mentioning Justin Bieber on Knox Road? I have good reason, I promise. But I didn’t want to actually post a picture of him, considering our site’s no-robots policy, so here’s an adorable puppy. Anyway, onto the content. Have you ever said to yourself, “Man,… Continue reading [Stream] Justin Bieber’s 35-minute ambient opus

The internet is a wonderful place

Apropos of absolutely nothing, here’s the newest internet meme that probably won’t sweep the nation but whatever, it’s ridiculous: Selleck Waterfall Sandwich. The complicated premise here is that you take a picture of actor Tom Selleck, you take a picture of a waterfall, and you take a picture of a sandwich and you just MASH… Continue reading The internet is a wonderful place

Awesome new website: GimmeSound.com

So there’s a new website that’s gaining some momentum called GimmeSound.com, and I’ve poked around and concluded that it’s pretty much awesome. The main idea is, according to the site: It’s real simple. Artists upload their music. Fans download it for free. We pay artists for every download out of ad revenue, with a percentage… Continue reading Awesome new website: GimmeSound.com

Texts From Last Night is the new FMyLife

This is cool. In an idea clearly inspired by FMyLife, we have new embarrassment blog Texts From Last Night. The tagline is: “Remember that text you shouldn’t have sent last night? We do.” Although it’s not as inspired and original as FMyLife (what, our standards for trendy blogs are so high now?), it’s VERY much fun. What… Continue reading Texts From Last Night is the new FMyLife