[Hype Hype Hooray] Spotify, You Beautiful Wench

Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. I was somewhere in the woods of… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] Spotify, You Beautiful Wench

[Hype Hype Hooray] The Mixtape, Part 2: The Weird Kid From Portland

Jamie normally writes a very straightforward music column about very straightforward music things, but for the next few installments he will be exploring a childhood mixtape, recently found in a box in his closet. This is part two. I stand in my kitchen at two in the morning, furiously cramming two AA batteries into my… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] The Mixtape, Part 2: The Weird Kid From Portland

[Hype Hype Hooray] The Mixtape, Part 1: Unearthing a Relic

Jamie normally writes a very straightforward music column about very straightforward music things, but for the next few installments he will be exploring a childhood mixtape, recently found in a box in his closet. This is part one.  My hands rummage through an old orange shoebox from the top shelf of my closet. I’m looking… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] The Mixtape, Part 1: Unearthing a Relic

[Hype Hype Hooray] Tropicália: How Brazil Created the Greatest Genre Ever

Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. Hey guys, Jamie Hale here. You know,… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] Tropicália: How Brazil Created the Greatest Genre Ever

[Hype Hype Hooray] The Dull and Pointless Sound

Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. I’ve been struggling to explain how I… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] The Dull and Pointless Sound

[Hype Hype Hooray] How to Coax a Critic

Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. One day, out of the blue, I… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] How to Coax a Critic

[Hype Hype Hooray] My Winter of Discontent or Why I Finally Get Grunge

Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. Not long ago, I drove into Portland,… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] My Winter of Discontent or Why I Finally Get Grunge

[Hype Hype Hooray] I Don’t Care What You Say, Billy Joel Still Sucks

Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. Listen, man, I’m a real easy-going kind… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] I Don’t Care What You Say, Billy Joel Still Sucks

[Hype Hype Hooray] Unearthing the True Message Behind “Monster Mash”

Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. A sharp breeze blew through the cluttered… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] Unearthing the True Message Behind “Monster Mash”

[Hype Hype Hooray] Indie Music’s Watery Grave or How Carles Might Be Right

Hype Hype Hooray is a biweekly “critique” of the music scene and the blogosphere that feeds it, told through the lens of Jamie Hale, a journalist who likes music about as much as he likes scotch and a firm leather chair. Please enjoy with a grain of salt. The header reads “R.I.P. Indie Music, Our… Continue reading [Hype Hype Hooray] Indie Music’s Watery Grave or How Carles Might Be Right