Knox Road’s Top Albums of 2013

Another year, another top albums list (some things changed, though — we turned 5 years old!). We asked Knox Road writers to provide their Top Albums of 2013. You know what ensued. Tears, laughter, debate. Actually not much of any of those. Just heartfelt thoughts. If these lists make you listen to one new album,… Continue reading Knox Road’s Top Albums of 2013

Knox Road’s Top Albums of 2011. With a twist.

This is not a standard “year-end list,” nor is it a standard “Knox Road year-end list.” See, we decided to do something different this year. I should note that, most importantly, Jamie and I just didn’t have the time to make a post like we’ve done the past couple years (see here and here), and… Continue reading Knox Road’s Top Albums of 2011. With a twist.

Knox Road’s Top Albums of 2010

If 2009 was the year for brilliant young rookies to make unique, interesting albums, 2010 is the year for the veteran sluggers. We saw releases from Sufjan Stevens, The Arcade Fire, Kanye West, The National, Broken Social Scene, The New Pornographers, Belle & Sebastian, Wolf Parade, The Black Keys, Spoon, Robert Plant, Neil Young, Tom… Continue reading Knox Road’s Top Albums of 2010

Knox Road in: The Year That Was, 2008

Without further ado, we present to you 2008, in review. Top 10 Best Things (in no particular order): Kanye West’s “Eat Shit and Die” Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, and Conan O’ Brian fighting on national television Michael Phelps sets a lot of world records and loves freedom and democracy Of Montreal’s Kevin Barnes performs on… Continue reading Knox Road in: The Year That Was, 2008