All We Are: Stayin’ Alive with Stone

The Bee Gees on diazepam? Formed at Paul McCartney’s performing arts school, LIPA, this self-proclamation from Liverpool (via Norway/Ireland/Brazil) trio All We Are is a bit of a head scratcher if one only ever heard the barn burning single “Keep Me Alive”. Upon listening to the whole of the album, Stone (Domino Recordings), the description… Continue reading All We Are: Stayin’ Alive with Stone

Twenty fifteen and Crushed Beaks

Here we are on the fledgling wings of yet another year, thousands of bands vying for our attention in a sea of Soundcloud links, drop dates and nervously planned record release gigs. On days like this I’m glad to be a lowly consumer rather than an actual musician. While it makes me sound lazy (and… Continue reading Twenty fifteen and Crushed Beaks


These folks may be popular, but it’s the first I’m hearing of them, and damn am I smitten. Margret Ran Magnusdóttir, an openly gay singer, fronts the Icelandic Vök trio, and I only mention that because she’s made a point of sharing how her story, from an Icelandic perspective, has influenced her music. Regardless of what’s influenced her music, it’s… Continue reading Vök

[MP3] The Things of Youth: “Eleventeen”

When I first started listening to “indie” music, so to speak, it was the likes of The American Analog Set and Pinback. Laid-back, understated pop with a certain twang that uniquely defined to whom the music belonged. I’ve been missing that lately, but luckily for me The Things of Youth have come along to fill… Continue reading [MP3] The Things of Youth: “Eleventeen”

Monophona: “Thumb”

Monophona, you’ve impressed me. “Thumb” sticks out like a sore one in the best way possible – it’s madly unique with acoustic instrumentation, sampled backgrounds, and dark/edgy atmospherics. All in all, it adds up to an odd assortment of beautiful sounds and a track that I’m finding tricky to get out of my head. Monophona… Continue reading Monophona: “Thumb”

[MP3] The North Country: “The Cross We Bear”

Sometimes it’s hard to know where you want to be. Or who you are. Are you content or are you looking for something more? Can you ever really be content? When do we get to that moment in life where we confidently say “I am fulfilled. This is me.”?  I don’t know the answers. But… Continue reading [MP3] The North Country: “The Cross We Bear”

Diagrams: “Phantom Power”

Tunng has been one of my favorite bands over the last several years, and former member Sam Genders is creating equally delightful pop under a new name, Diagrams. Diagrams actually released a debut EP in 2012, but he has a new album, Chromatics, coming out on Full Time Hobby in January and just released an… Continue reading Diagrams: “Phantom Power”