Think I’ll go for a walk outside now

I adore my life here in Germany. No two ways about it. That said, while my mom has been visiting recently (hi mom!), Iā€™m of course reminded of those I left behind across the sea. Iā€™ve been thinking a lot lately about those connections and relationships. Not lovey dovey, husbandy-wifey-letā€™s make babies relations. While such… Continue reading Think I’ll go for a walk outside now

[Abby’s Road] Music for Girls

Summer. Though a friend of mine recently wrote a novella on Facebook about how it doesnā€™t exist in Germany, it seems to be warming up more and more here as June rolls by. Moreover, the sun doesnā€™t set until nearly 10, extending my waking hours far past midnight, usually. Weā€™re even going swimming this weekend.… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Music for Girls

[Abby’s Road] Riding the Delta Wave

Earworms. We all get them. Usually itā€™s a bad track someone unknowingly burrows into our head, unbeknownst to us. Then, as innocently as it happens, an hour after the crime is committed we find ourselves humming a ridiculous song by Lionel Richie. More joyous, however, are the rare instances when we hear a new song… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Riding the Delta Wave

[Abby’s Road] The Happiest Melancholia

We, as music lovers and collectors, are blessed and cursed I think. Hereā€™s the scoop: we have at our fingertips a seemingly endless supply of emotional stimulants and downers. If elated one can crank up a particularly smasheverythinganddance record to conjure up even more jubilation; if supremely sad, the leveling quiet of, say, post rock… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] The Happiest Melancholia

[Abby’s Road] And on the seventh day…

So, I might be a day late in blowing the trumpet (I have a Friday column, damnit) but this is it.Ā According to My Bloody Valentine, the long-awaited reissues of Isnā€™t Anything and LovelessĀ will be released this May. To paraphrase something a friend of mine said earlier today, I guess pigs do fly. While Iā€™m still… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] And on the seventh day…

[Abby’s Road] Unjust Conclusions

I love Saturdays. Saturday mornings especially. No husbandly iPhone alarm blaring, slow to rise, leisurely grazing on fatty brunch food and celebrity guest DJ hour on my favorite local radio station. I find it fascinating to hear what makes an artist tick and how often the music selected seems to be in total contradiction to… Continue reading [Abby’s Road] Unjust Conclusions