Well, this is cool. Fredde Gredde – “32 Songs in 8 Minutes” [MP3]
Author: Lee
Balmorhea (bal-mor-ay)
I don’t know how we got sent this one but my are we lucky. Balmorhea, (pronounced bal-mor-ay) from Austin, is Rob Lowe (not that Rob Lowe) and Michael Muller, accompanied by Aisha Burns (violin), Travis Chapman (upright bass), Nicole Kern (cello), and Michael Bell (drums). Now seems like a good time to promote them as… Continue reading Balmorhea (bal-mor-ay)
Commercial Flashback – Liberty Mutual
Another trip down memory lane. Loved this commercial, loved the music, loved my life. Actually, not so much the latter. But when I first saw this on TV four years ago, I began a little Hem phase. BTW, as if we couldn’t get any more folk collective-y around here, Hem, out of Brooklyn, has 8… Continue reading Commercial Flashback – Liberty Mutual
William Fitzsimmons for a Friday
Yep, I am most definitely late on this one. I don’t understand how I have not listened to this bearded mellow fellow more often, and trust me, such a thought now gives me deep regret. But presenting him to you on a Friday makes me happy, as he’s the perfect sound to wind your week… Continue reading William Fitzsimmons for a Friday
Late night. Windmill.
Throwing these lyrics at you seems appropriate because: a) i love this song. b) i read Jose Saramago’s “Blindness” earlier this year. c) i watched LOST last night. d) it’s night time – let’s mix things up a little, shall we? Windmill – “Plastic Pre-Flight Seats” [MP3] (left click) “…So jump out, jump in Jump… Continue reading Late night. Windmill.
First Aid Kit performing “You’re Not Coming Home Tonight” in the woods
Another wonderful video from the lovely Swedish sisters of First Aid Kit, who know harmonies like no other. This song is off their debut EP, Drunken Trees. Apparently we’ll get everything nature with them. First Aid Kit – “You’re Not Coming Home Tonight” [MP3] Buy Drunken Trees Check out our previous post about their otherworldly,… Continue reading First Aid Kit performing “You’re Not Coming Home Tonight” in the woods
Grizzly Bear posts “Cheerleader” mp3 from Veckatimest
Word on the street (thanks to Will at We All Want Someone To Shout For), and information I previously wasn’t privy to: Grizzly Bear has posted a free, legal mp3 of “Cheerleader” from their forthcoming, hotly-anticipated (understatement) Veckatimest. So, um…wow. Totally awesome. There’s not much else to say. Can’t wait for the album to come… Continue reading Grizzly Bear posts “Cheerleader” mp3 from Veckatimest
March Madness Mix
With all the hoopla (yes, pun intended) surrounding SXSW, let’s not forget about that other March festival – the NCAA college basketball tourney. If you filled out a bracket, who’d you pick? I won’t give you my winner yet (edit 3/21: my winner = Pitt over Mizzou) in case you’re still making picks, but my… Continue reading March Madness Mix
Notable Album Release: Rafter – 10 Songs. Yep, you read correctly.
No typos here. This is the first time Rafter’s 2006 beauty of a debut album, 10 Songs, is being sold in retail (March 24, to be exact). Rafter actually first concocted the album in 1998, but on September 12th, 2006 it was made available through digital download services and web store only. I can’t even… Continue reading Notable Album Release: Rafter – 10 Songs. Yep, you read correctly.
Evening Magazine
We received an email a while back from Evening Magazine, a Philadelphia folk pop collective (9 members..whoaa), about their recently released 5-song debut EP, The Ride Across Lake Constance, but I just got around to listening to one of the songs, “18 Wheels” recently. And how I regret not listening sooner. In the ever-burgeoning fad… Continue reading Evening Magazine