We received an email about a new track available for download from Papercuts, titled “You Can Have What You Want,” which was also featured as an NPR song of the day. I wasn’t sure what to expect from it because to be completely honest I haven’t heard much Papercuts before but if this song is… Continue reading New Papercuts – ‘You Can Have What You Want’
Author: Lee
Jon Hopkins free mp3
Thanks to Jamie’s post about the new Dirty Projectors track, I found out about another free download on Domino, this time a track called “Wire,” from Jon Hopkins (nerdy parents? If he didn’t go to school there I’d be very upset. “Hey I’m Jon Hopkins, I go to Johns Hopkins. Yeah, that’s right, I go… Continue reading Jon Hopkins free mp3
News: Online music prices getting a makeover
Interesting and informative piece at E-Commerce Times yesterday. Abstract below. Consumers who’ve gotten comfortable with buying music online for a buck are going to have to start rethinking their habits again. Music sellers like Apple and Amazon are tinkering with their pricing models, putting stickers as low as 69 cents on some songs and as… Continue reading News: Online music prices getting a makeover
Since we can sometimes get so caught up in the whirlwind of activity happening RIGHT NOW i’m gonna slow things down a little bit and talk about an artist I should have discussed SEVERAL MONTHS AGO. First, take a look at who’s writing this post, and then recognize the artist will be from familiar “Lee”… Continue reading Fredrik
Review: Does Doves ‘Kingdom Of Rust’ deliver?
It has finally been released folks. And I have myself a copy. The question is, am I happy or sad? Am I satisfied? Blown away? Disappointed? It’s been four years since the last Doves release, so we’ve all been anxiously anticipating Kingdom Of Rust for quite some time, and when “Jetstream” hit the airwaves, people… Continue reading Review: Does Doves ‘Kingdom Of Rust’ deliver?
The Dead Weather to play NYC!
Via Stereogum’s twitter: ATTN NYers: Jack White’s new band The Dead Weather plays Bowery 4/14. Tix on sale Wed 10am. Their first public show!
Notable CD Releases: Maria Taylor, The Veils, Seaworthy
Some releases you may or may not have heard of coming out tomorrow:* Maria Taylor – LadyLuck. Buy. This wunderkind, of the former Azure Ray, as well as Now It’s Overhead, is bringing more of that sweet, edgy pop in the solo form. A voice full of power, a heart full of gold, nothing not… Continue reading Notable CD Releases: Maria Taylor, The Veils, Seaworthy
The Two Minute Miracles
“Men and Women From Ontario. We Play Music.” Such is the about section on MySpace for The Two Minute Miracles. And next to their profile reads, “Languishing in Obscurity.” Also, their website is completely incomprehensible (to me.) Even this photo is a blur. But you know what? Sometimes we don’t need huge long explanations about… Continue reading The Two Minute Miracles
Codename benefit concert at UMD for ‘The Mockingbird Foundation’
Despite your greatest beliefs, Knox Road is actually run by people (who we like to think are humane – I know, shocker), and when we hear about music combined with a worthy cause we’re always ready to pounce. This time we provide an ultra special treat though: the benefit concert is happening right at the… Continue reading Codename benefit concert at UMD for ‘The Mockingbird Foundation’
New Matt Kanelos & The Smooth Maria song
Of course this would happen. Merely two days after posting about Matt Kanelos & The Smooth Maria (I’d link to the post but like, all you have to do is scroll down…) they come out with another new song from their upcoming cd, Silent Show. Because of the extremely positive reader response to the previous… Continue reading New Matt Kanelos & The Smooth Maria song