The Hush Now, not to be confused with The Hush Sound, hold a soft spot in my heart coming from my hometown (…city) of Boston. The five-piece indie rockers mesh some background psychedelica with lighter fare to create sounds of both dissonance and difference. The difference being that they don’t follow what an arrangement “should”… Continue reading A review of the up-and-coming The Hush Now
Author: Lee
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In case you were pregaming Mother’s Day or studying for final exams or doing like, 24-hour improv shows, here’s what you missed this week on Knox Road. Monday: The Siren Music festival – Jamie’s love – gets into gear. Bob gets philosophical #2: Go to as many concerts as you can while you’re young, because… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
Spotlight Saturday: Beat Radio
Ok, so I make it seem like Spotlight Saturday is actually a feature here on Knox Road. It’s not. This is the first time I’m doing it (not meaning a spotlight of course – we’ve had several of those, just not by way of “Spotlight Saturday”), but honestly, I like alliterations and I really wanted… Continue reading Spotlight Saturday: Beat Radio
School’s Out
Well, I’m done with my final exam (sucks for Jamie and Bob!) I’m also in the midst of a downpour – hooray NYC. What better to do than toss up a mix?! matt pond PA – “Summer Is Coming” [MP3] (from Nature of Maps) Turin Brakes – “Pain Killer (Summer Rain)” [MP3] (from Ether Song)… Continue reading School’s Out
Jon Hopkins’ Insides officially set loose
Insides, out on Domino, has been a much anticipated release by us here at KR, and it’s our pleasure to share a couple songs with you of more electronic genius (albeit very different) after that previous post on Tortoise. Pick up your copy now, and read what we wrote about Jon Hopkins when he dropped… Continue reading Jon Hopkins’ Insides officially set loose
Notable Album Release: Tortoise – Beacons Of Ancestorship
One-upping Doves’ first new material in four years, Tortoise is back with their first new music in FIVE years. Their upcoming CD, titled Beacons Of Ancestorship, will drop June 23, on Thrill Jockey, and will have many electronic maestros salivating. Tortoise have made a name for themselves in the electro-rock genre over the years with… Continue reading Notable Album Release: Tortoise – Beacons Of Ancestorship
In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
In case you were trying to hold your composure in the face of extreme nerves for the epic Celtics-Bulls series (like me) and couldn’t supplement that with the excitement we bring ’round these parts, here’s what you missed this week on Knox Road: Monday: Dark Was The Night getting some late promotion in the city… Continue reading In Case You Missed It: Week in Review
New song from IVANA XL
Ivana XL has just uploaded onto her MySpace the first finished song off her upcoming release next month! It’s called “Happy Birthday” and displays the beauty we’ve come to expect from Ivana, this time with some haunting keys at the forefront. See a previous post about her (we’ve had several – so do some searching!)… Continue reading New song from IVANA XL
Akudama’s May EP [Download]
True to their word, Akudama dropped their monthly free EP yesterday for May, titled Fireflies. The feature track is, of course, “Fireflies,” but they also have a change-of-pace second song in “We Have Stars.” “Fireflies” starts off sounding almost like a matt pond PA track, with catchy hooks, backing strings and vocals that actually very… Continue reading Akudama’s May EP [Download]
Save September (Crissi Cochrane)
Save September is the solo singer/songwriter project from Crissi Cochrane, a Halifax, Nova Scotia native. If it seems we’ve been featuring more and more Canadians on this blog, well, it’s because we have – their music is stellar (stars), and so much of it is unknown (the two minute miracles.) Cochrane is no exception. With… Continue reading Save September (Crissi Cochrane)