Get your boxing gloves on – it’s Typefighter time!

Ah saiddd, you ain’t punchin’ those keys hard enough feller! D.C.’s Typefighter comes to Knox Road through a recommendation from good pal Aaron Leeder, of D.C. and NYC (and swiftly growing) favorites, Exit Clov. He has been incredibly supportive of this here blog, and we thank him (and the rest of Exit Clov for that… Continue reading Get your boxing gloves on – it’s Typefighter time!

Englishman comes from the heart of… Kentucky

Confused? As was I upon seeing the artist name (Englishman) and location (Lexington, Kentucky). But then I read a bit and realized these guys are playing a clever little word game with us – the lead singer’s name is Andrew English. English. Get it? His last name is English. Ok, neverMIND, everyone’s obviously too shallow… Continue reading Englishman comes from the heart of… Kentucky


Death Cab. Fireworks. L.A. Philharmonic. This is nothing short of celestial. [youtube width=”560″ height=”344″][/youtube] [Big ups to Heather at Fuel/Friends]

Frightened Rabbit to tour America with fellow Scots The Twilight Sad and We Were Promised Jetpacks

Coolest tour news ever?? Scotland’s Frightened Rabbit, quite possibly one of my favorite bands of the past year or so, are teaming up with fellow countrymen The Twilight Sad, as well as We Were Promised Jetpacks, for a huge North American tour. Expect a lot of wonderfully sad, epic shows, filled with the atmospheric noise… Continue reading Frightened Rabbit to tour America with fellow Scots The Twilight Sad and We Were Promised Jetpacks

The Rural Alberta Advantage album, Hometowns, streaming in full

The Rural Alberta Advantage‘s album, Hometowns, which has been received with much hype and fanfare is now streaming live from Paste’s website. It’s awesome. Basically alt-folk with a kick-in-the-ass. Oh yeah, there’s also some twee. I know, kind of antithetical. But listen, you’ll hear what I’m talking about. This re-release of the album is officially… Continue reading The Rural Alberta Advantage album, Hometowns, streaming in full

The requisite 4th of July mix. Have a good one!

From Knox Road to all of you, Happy Fourth of July. For our non-US readers, thanks for stopping by regardless, and we hope you’re feeling some country lovin’ as well. *With this pause in regular action, we’d love to hear your feedback on how we’re doing. Anything at all is helpful, whether it’s in the… Continue reading The requisite 4th of July mix. Have a good one!

Bagheera is a winner. Plain and simple.

To be honest, something about the email we got from Bagheera’s press team threw me off, and I began listening to their music with a bit of hesitation. Thankfully, that feeling wore off quickly, as listening to the hazy, devious sound from the Liverpool, UK boys put me in the right mood on this rainy-turned-less-rainy… Continue reading Bagheera is a winner. Plain and simple.

[Not really news] Amy Millan releases details for sophomore effort, Masters Of The Burial

I know, I’m about six days late on this one. SORRY. I’m actually kicking myself for it, so I can handle your virtual slap in the face. With July 4 and a slew of American spirit and independence coming our way, what better time to continue spotlighting Canadian label, Arts & Crafts? (By the way,… Continue reading [Not really news] Amy Millan releases details for sophomore effort, Masters Of The Burial

Notable Album Release: The Most Serene Republic – …And The Ever Expanding Universe

Frankly, I’m surprised I haven’t discussed The Most Serene Republic on KR yet (except for this brief mention. Can i even call that brief?), and I apologize. While the seven-piece Milton, Ontario crew does occasionally swing for the fences and miss, when they’re on, they’re on. One of the most downright enjoyable albums I have… Continue reading Notable Album Release: The Most Serene Republic – …And The Ever Expanding Universe