I guess pop musicians these days are bored of their own voices – it’s just too easy for them. Why not give the grand theater ring a shot? Regina Spektor is the latest artist to agree to write the music for a broadway musical, titled Beauty, set to be released in the 2011-2012 Broadway season.… Continue reading Regina Spektor to pull a Duncan Sheik, write music for new musical “Beauty”
Author: Lee
The Cave Singers and Lightning Dust coming to DC
Well lookee here, who said those northwest indie folk bands never trudge out to D.C.? We have a stellar lineup coming up next Monday (9/21) at the Black Cat with two of the hottest up and coming folksters in The Cave Singers and Lightning Dust. The show is not sold out (at the time of… Continue reading The Cave Singers and Lightning Dust coming to DC
Epcot Starfields finds Windmill at its finest
Windmill’s latest effort, Epcot Starfields, is not unlike previous Windmill material. The nasally vocals, the dreamy, keys-laden background, the fragile emotions, it’s all there. But Matthew Thomas Dillon, with his backing four-piece, builds upon what we’re used to with a more mature, polished sound, yet just as impassioned. If you like Windmill, you’ll adore Epcot… Continue reading Epcot Starfields finds Windmill at its finest
Notable Album Release: Lackthereof – A retrospective 1998-2008 or i was a christian emo twentysomething
Despite the unfortunately long title, I still find myself looking forward to A retrospective 1998-2008 or i was a christian emo twentysomething from Lackthereof, the solo project of Menomena’s Danny Seim. He has worked on his Lackthereof electronic pop craft throughout his Menomena tenure, as well as polished some of his previous material from way… Continue reading Notable Album Release: Lackthereof – A retrospective 1998-2008 or i was a christian emo twentysomething
Comedian Rob Paravonian combines music and stand-up
Thanks to good friend Chris DeLuca, who writes the highly entertaining/crude “What Sucks…” blog (among several other things…), I was introduced to Brooklyn-based comedian/songwriter Rob Paravonian – an anomaly in the comedic music scene we’ve become accustomed to over the past few years. Paravonian, who’s appeared on Comedy Central and opened several shows for Carlin… Continue reading Comedian Rob Paravonian combines music and stand-up
[MP3] New Fredrik: “Locked In The Basement”
Fredrik?? Fredrik! Yessss. Our favorite Swedish band (lies – we actually love all Swedish bands, duh) and yours is back with some new material in the form of an mp3 off their forthcoming album, Trilogi – which drops November 10 on The Kora Records. “Locked In The Basement” starts off with a simple acoustic rhythm… Continue reading [MP3] New Fredrik: “Locked In The Basement”
[MP3] New The Most Serene Republic: “Aveern”
Along with a slew of tour dates, The Most Serene Republic have offered up a B-side from their latest album, the critically acclaimed …And The Ever Expanding Universe. The song, “Aveern,” is easily good enough for an album (as we so often say about B-sides in general), but its raw tendencies and jagged guitar probably… Continue reading [MP3] New The Most Serene Republic: “Aveern”
the Soil & the Sun
Allow me to preface this post by saying this band is NOT my discovery, but I will most certainly write about them as if they are. (I stole ’em from Tart over at love shack, baby – visit her blog, people!) The Soil & the Sun comes to us from that Tarty Chicago area and… Continue reading the Soil & the Sun
“72 Musicians” showcases musicians’ awesome and sucky lives
Remember that time you got hammered at a concert only to see the band was more drunk than you were?? Me neither, I was too wasted. But the point is, I’m sure it’s happened to all of us, maybe suspecting the artists are playing on crack or ‘shrooms or just plain Vitamin Water, though never… Continue reading “72 Musicians” showcases musicians’ awesome and sucky lives
The Labor Day Mix: Hail to the workers!
We all work so hard right? So we deserve a break (in order to not have a break to get everything else in our lives back in order!) Wonderful! Celebrate! [image via] The Album Leaf & Bright Eyes – “Hungry For a Holiday” [MP3] (from The Album Leaf / Bright Eyes 7-inch collaboration series #1)… Continue reading The Labor Day Mix: Hail to the workers!