Diagrams: “Phantom Power”

Tunng has been one of my favorite bands over the last several years, and former member Sam Genders is creating equally delightful pop under a new name, Diagrams. Diagrams actually released a debut EP in 2012, but he has a new album, Chromatics, coming out on Full Time Hobby in January and just released an… Continue reading Diagrams: “Phantom Power”

[MP3] Vincent Colbert: “Baseline”

Vincent Colbert is another example of weather and location influencing art. Colbert wrote his debut EP, Stranger in My House, when he moved to Michigan, and, well, felt like a stranger in his own home. He didn’t know who he become, or who he was. Transitions are one of the most challenging periods of life,… Continue reading [MP3] Vincent Colbert: “Baseline”

New Mansions on the Moon album

Since I usually don’t post on the weekends, it would be wise to give you more music on Fridays. Lucky for us, Mansions on the Moon just released their new s/t album, and it’s thoroughly impressive. They use their softer acoustic skills more this time around (which we knew they already had from solo Ted… Continue reading New Mansions on the Moon album

Faux Fix

This is how music discovery should work. I hear a great track by a well-established artist and it happens to feature a relative unknown with whom I begin to fall in love. Such a love story happened yesterday, when I posted Son Lux’s “No Fate Awaits Me” featuring vocals by Faux Fix. Well by golly!… Continue reading Faux Fix

[MP3] Son Lux: “No Fate Awaits Me” (feat. Faux Fix)

This is one doozy of a new song from Son Lux, aka Ryan Lott, off the Original Score & Songs Inspired By The Disappearance Of Eleanor Rigby, for the movie which, if you can’t tell by the title of the album, Son Lux scored. So many commas. This track, “No Fate Awaits Me,” featuring Faux Fix,… Continue reading [MP3] Son Lux: “No Fate Awaits Me” (feat. Faux Fix)

WHAT BLOG?!’s CMJ Showcase: Miniboone + Johnny Lewis + Mount Sharp + Happy Fangs + Whiskey Bitches + Kid In The Attic

Come on out Wednesday night, October 22 at The Rock Shop in Brooklyn. What Blog?! is Knox Road (me!), Nora of irockiroll, Bryan of subinev, and Chris of batteringroom. UPDATE: Unfortunately, Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger! can’t make it, so instead we’ve filled the bill out with Happy Fangs. Locomote by Genghis Hans + Kid In The Attic

Charlotte McCafferty: “The Messenger”

Charlotte McCafferty is a student at the University of Maryland (maybe now you’ll understand the Knox Road name if you didn’t already) and whenever I get a chance to highlight our alma mater’s talent, I don’t hesitate. McCafferty is working on a solo album of original songs, and from the sound of her first single,… Continue reading Charlotte McCafferty: “The Messenger”